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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WOE IS MEE!!!!!!!

There are people on Facebook who whine for help and play the "poor me" card, saying, "NOBODY wants to help me!" or "NOBODY LOVES ME!" They even protest vehemently about about how people take advantage of them and how "NOBODY EVER" even "TRIES" to help them.  "NO-body wants to hire me!"  "NO-body wants to give me a chance."  "I just need to check out now!"  and on and on.  "NO one wants a good man/woman like me". 

I have seen other posts on this same subject (woe is me, no one understands this pity party I'm having).  They rant and rave or they expose their quiet despair with a hang-dog expression.  I've probably thrown my own pity party.  It's generally not on line.

So, if they are related to you, you love them, want the best for them and try to help.  Unfortunately, they probably DON'T want the kind of help you have to give, particularly if you are a CHRISTIAN.  Why not?  Right away they know you stand for something that they are NOT ready to embrace.  Immediately they feel judged.  Whether or not you have ever said it, they KNOW you would tell them to get off the drugs, quit messing around sexually, and they KNOW that you would tell them the only way to do that is to have a relationship with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  At least that last part is true. You would tell them they need JESUS (if you haven't already).

Okay, so what's the problem?  GOD.  The problem is not with others, not with me or you, not with their family or lack thereof.  The problem is with GOD.  They do not have HIM in their life.  Even if they claim to be a "Christian" they do not read their BIBLE daily, if ever.  They pray when things get tough or they really, really want something.  Then they think GOD doesn't care because HE doesn't answer their prayers.  They want GOD to come when they beckon and give them what they want, otherwise, they want nothing to do with HIM.  Some even insist HE doesn't exist, that is until they have an emergency.

What should you do?  Obviously they don't want your help so all you can do is pray for them to come to their senses and get saved and know the PEACE that comes with a true relationship with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  AND if by a miracle from GOD, they call you or message you, tell them the truth.  Tell them about GOD's love for them and how HE sent HIS ONLY SON to die on the Cross at Calvary for their sins.  If GOD brings them that far, HE will bring them the rest of the way.