Monday, May 30, 2016

Today, A Friend of 13 Years Died

Sweety's favorite spot. 

Today we lost a dear friend of 13 years. Sweety, our little tan nuisance left this world about 12:30pm. She was just a dog. But what a dog she was. She was a faithful follower, the kind we should be of CHRIST. She loved my husband the most. She followed him all over the property even though sometimes he forgot how slow her little legs would carry her and marched ahead without her.

Human life is above animal life as humans are the only creatures made in the very image of GOD.  There is no reason to place the life of a dog, dolphin, nor snowy white owl above the life or needs of the human race. I have heard many adults, parents of grown children, talk to and about their pets with more regard than their own children.  Some will even admit out loud and with great assurance that those little dogs or cats love them more than their own children do.  

Really?  I mean I like my pets, may even have great affection for them.  Some may say that I love them although I don't want to admit it.  Perhaps.  BUT!  I love my my husband, my child, my sister, and a several others a great deal more than any animal and would never put the welfare of an animal above them.  We are not all equal here on this earth.  We never were.  We were created in the beginning to be different.  We, humans, were created and the first job ever done was the naming of the animals by the first human.  Caretakers of the Garden, Stewards of the Earth's resources, and other titles were supposed to be ours.  We have, instead raped and pillaged the resources and out of a guilty conscience have elevated the animals above that of humanity.  

We have 5 more dogs.  We are pet owners.  We are not pet parents.  No way did I ever give birth to any 4 legged critter.  I was not Sweety's mom.  I was her owner, her caretaker, her everything (except when hubby was around).  I made sure she was fed if he forgot or at least fixed their food.  Nagged him to take them to the vet.  Reminded him to buy food although he seldom forgot to get them treats.  Nagged him to not give them table scraps. And the list goes on.  Shots, checkups, nail trims, anal gland expression, etc.  When we bought them or took the strays in, we assumed a responsibility to care for these, GOD'S creatures to the best of our ability.  Which we have tried to do.  Sometimes we do without things so they can eat better or get medical care.  We do it willingly because we choose to do it.  We don't have children living at home and we are not taking from anyone in order to care for them.

I will miss Sweety.   I held her in my arms as she died.  She was a good dog.  She was affectionate and demanding.  She was a good dog.  I will miss my little tan nuisance terribly for awhile.  Then I will miss the others terribly for awhile.  I do not know if they go to Heaven and don't want to get into that discussion here.  I want to be left with the hope that maybe sometime in eternity I will see her again and she won't remember that I called probably her 'turd' more than I called her 'Sweety.'

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!