Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help

While we carry on with our daily business or just the business of living, we tend to forget that there are others who may ultimately control what we do or say.   Employers don't want you saying inappropriate things in the workplace.  Our children don't need to hear many of the things they hear.  What we do in the bathroom should not be what we do in public, but that should be simple common sense.

What we are finding out now is that as we make more and more of our life public, we affect those close to us more deeply but generally not in a good way.  Off hand remarks are accentuated by the additional remarks of others who may not know either of you.  And what may have started as a casual and funny remark ends up cutting a good friend or close relative to the core, damaging an otherwise stable relationship sometimes beyond repair.  The "collective heart" is living vicariously through others and doesn't really care about consequences of their words, their thoughts nor their deeds.

Then there is the Government, the NSA, the IRS, HSA, the CIA, the FBI and a host of other initialed agencies that are now gaining more and more access to our personal information, our off hand remarks and our miss-dialed numbers.  Everything now becomes suspect.  A wrong number is dialed and suddenly you are connected to a terrorist network with ties to who knows what. 

The embers of the fire of conspiracy that have been smoldering for years suddenly bursts into flame fueled by reality.  They really are spying on us.  As was said, "Congress was briefed;" "committees were briefed;" "you elected these people!"  No one in government knew what went on.  No one is responsible and the worse the offense, the greater the pay increase or the more powerful the position is achieved.

It is no longer, "Oh, the government can't do that!" 

It is now, "Man! I can't believe they did that!!"

As the UN snakes its way in to undermine our Constitution under the guise of "making the world a safer place" and our Legislature is so caught up in the many scandals wreaking havoc in our Government, the possibility that something will pass through unnoticed is extremely likely.

We have shot ourselves in the collective foot and keep cutting off toes trying to control the bleeding.  When we finally start cutting off the trunk, maybe someone will finally wake up and smell the garbage.

Shalom!! Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!!