A man with a gun specifically kills Christians and the main focus of the pundits is religious freedom? Naw! Gun control! Not mental health. Not tolerance. Not terrorism. Not joblessness. Gun control will fix all our problems... Right? WRONG!!!
If gun control would fix our problems, why wasn't it mentioned with the riots of Ferguson? Why wasn't it mentioned when all those people were killed by illegally gained guns in Chicago? How about New York?
The gun did not kill those people. The man killed those people. You need to control the man. How do you combat evil? Only GOD can combat evil! And keeping GOD out of the public life, out of the schools, out of the workplace has accomplished something; it has gotten people killed.
Within the period of two weekends 111 people were killed by gun violence in the city of Chicago alone. How much did you hear about it? What world leader spoke of the devastating affect of guns in the hands of gangs and the mentally ill? Where was the race card played in this travesty of justice? I should say these travesties of justice since it was not one instance, but several instances of violence. There were no riots. One hundred and eleven victims of gun violence were not even a blip on the political radar. Not a mention of gun control. Not a mention of a race war. Not even mention on the national news feeds of any violence at all. They were, in fact, just 111 local incidents with the unfortunate death of a human being that meant nothing to anyone but family and friends, and not a single politician. No politician attended their funerals. How do I know this? Guess I'm assuming that because there was no media mention and I am certain that the media would have been notified. You just cannot pass up free advertising if you are a politician with an agenda or an activist of any sort.
What does all of that have to do with the killing of Christians in Oregon? Not much except that it is senseless in every sense of the word.
The United States of America has a nasty habit of condoning convenient murder. We kill babies in the womb for convenience sake; the wrong time; the wrong person; the wrong sex. We allow the sale of baby body parts for profit and give hundreds of millions of dollars to a tax exempt company to make sure they keep their politicians in office so the money circle is maintained and life styles of the rich, infamous and evil go forward.
Most Christians oppose abortion (the murder of the unborn) for any reason specifically because every human being is made in the image of our Creator. It is an insult to GOD Almighty to tear apart a child in the womb, suck it's mangled body through tubes into a petri dish to finish the dissection of parts for sale.
We gloss over anarchist takeovers of cities and seemingly forget the victims unless we can blame it on race, law enforcement or a political party.
And the discussion of today is "How can we be safer?" The reality won't be accepted. The reality is that it is a moral dilemma. A dilemma brought on by the failure of the universal moral compass. The hue and cry of general population is that we should be able to form our own opinions about morality. And where should that morality come from? After all I can't impose my morality on you and you can't impose your morality on me. So where should our morality come from? Should it be from outside of each of us? Simple solution people. Use the morality of GOD Almighty. Instead of everyone doing what is right in their own eyes, as we seem to be doing now, do what is right in the eyes of GOD.
There would be no killing of babies in the womb. We would not be hating our brothers. We would not be shooting up schools. We would be spreading the Gospel of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. We would have true conversions and not these namby-pamby, lukewarm, ignorant, pretenders calling themselves Christians and continuing to live a life of sin while sitting in the pew on Sunday morning and paying no more attention to the Word of GOD than your average non-Christian.
When the man comes by and asks the question, "What is your religion?" you better make certain that your profession is true and you have a relationship with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and not just from some "sinner's prayer" said in the emotion of the moment. Has your life been changed? Do you love GOD with all your heart, mind and spirit? Do you want all to be saved and have a relationship with CHRIST? If you cannot answer "yes" to all of these questions, how certain are you of your Salvation? Scripture says that we can be sure. Are you?
Shalom! Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!