Friday, November 11, 2016

President Elect Donald J. Trump

If it were not so sad, it would be funny. It looks as though President Elect Donald J. Trump is already being blamed for the total destruction of the planet, all the future woes that have yet to be manifested, as well as all the negative actions that every citizen in the United States may ever commit. It is the President Obama curse in reverse.

While I did not agree with pretty much anything that came out the current administration of the last eight years, I did not burn down my neighborhood, kill police, show disrespect for the flag, or stage a sit-in anywhere disrupting businesses. I waited, spoke my mind and on, Tuesday, November 8, 2016, I voted.

I voted for Donald J. Trump because I do not believe that government sanctioned murder of babies in the womb should be a viable alternative to birth control, much less the sale of murdered baby body parts on the open market and that includes stem cells. While I doubt “Roe v Wade” will be reversed in the next 8 years, I would hope for a ban on abortions passed 19 weeks.

I voted for Donald J. Trump because I believe he will be a strong leader; he can be a catalyst to bring the country together; be a driving force in bringing jobs back to the United States of America; make a dent in the national debt by making the USA more friendly to job creation and by making it easier for childcare to be obtained within the workplace; and I believe he will increase our national security.

There have always been those on both sides that want to dissolve the Electoral College when their candidate loses. Popular votes are nice but it is naive to think that mob rule is a viable alternative. We are not a true Democracy. We are a Democratic Republic.

When Barack Obama became President, I was disappointed. While Romney was not my first choice I grit my teeth, held my nose and voted for him. There were other Republican candidates I would have preferred and I would have gladly voted for Herman Caine or Alan Keyes, My first choice for 2016 was Dr. Ben Carson, but I supported Donald Trump after he won the RNC nomination.

We have forgotten one thing in this election cycle – “Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of our peers.” It never was and never should be “Innocent until proven guilty in the court of public opinion.” While former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's crimes were broadcast for all the world to see, there is still that thing that we need to cling to – “Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of our peers.” No one person, no matter how powerful they are should be above the law, but they are also entitled to “Due Process” in a court of law. And, no, I am not giving her a pass. I am just saying that she is entitled to her day in an actual court.

Now it is time to stop the madness, if at all possible, pick our collective selves up by our bootstraps and try to work together. We can do it, as a country. Yes, the man, Donald Trump, said stupid, unkind and hurtful things. Haven't you? He is making the effort to become more Presidential. One thing I do hope he stops is his tweeting. Can we just try to work together until June 1, 2017? He will be President, not King. There will be only so much he can do.   

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ah, the Wisdom(?) of Not Paying Attention

In this day of electronic gizmos and cyber space, if one blinks, the screen can change, computers and phones can crash leaving us wondering where our world went. 

In the fog of cyber space we are then left with days of picking up the scattered, sometimes shattered pieces of our lives.  OR, maybe just trying to figure out settings for blogger and how in cyber space do I get my domain name renewed. 

Three weeks later, many hours on the computer, 3 phone calls of varying lengths, a moderate number of  temper tantrums, beeps and a few 'expletives deleted' and 2 nasty headaches, I FINALLY DID IT?!

The question mark is because I now have to wait until the domain name is fully registered.  During one of my moments of frustrated aggravation, I deleted my link to my domain name in blogger.  That was not smart.  Ah well.  Today after 3 hours of grumbling, calling and such, I got it done, but I have to wait 48 hours for everything to return to normal as a result of my impatience. 

You all have a GREAT day!

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Morning After

The polls have been closed for hours.  There has probably been a rise in the intake of antacids and tranquilizers as people get over the "stunning upset" in the election for President of the United States of America.  It was a hard fought battle.  Donald Trump gave it his all and won.

We are rejoicing or we are weeping and spending the day hiding under the covers.  We are gloating over our win or we are in denial and cursing our loss.  This election was between not two people, but two polar opposite ideologies.  

The Continental Divide is a video that describes what was and is at stake.  It is well worth the time to watch.

Now we must take action.  What kind of action depends on how committed we are to bringing this country to a better place.  

If your choice lost, do you intensify the racial divide and try to make it as uncomfortable as possible every step of the way, or do you find points of commonality where disparate sides can come together and work toward a better tomorrow?

If your candidate won, how long do you gloat and how long do you continue with the disparaging remarks and memes?  

There are certain things over which we cannot compromise.  I voted for Donald J. Trump because he stood for life, Christian religious freedom, less government intrusion, better border security, fairer trade and business practices which bring jobs back to the marketplace, and a return to the rule of law.  It will not be an easy job.  He will not be able to accomplish everything, but he will accomplish something.  He has already given us hope.  And we desperately needed a good dose of hope.   

But what, if anything, do "We the People" do now?  One thing we should not do is sit back and wait to see what the next election brings about.  We should not wait to see what President Trump will do over the next four years.  We should stay involved; hold his feet to the fire, get involved locally and pray!  Our apathy, our lack of interest in what happens in Washington DC with that "what-can-I-do" attitude is what got us in the shape we are in now.  That crappy attitude almost set us on a very bad course.  You cannot afford the luxury of thinking that we won so we can relax.  We have only just begun.

We have to work harder than we ever did the last 18 months.  We have to learn to show compassion without compromise.  We have taken the first step of an arduous journey.  The journey will only end if you sit back and refuse to take another step or you finish the journey with all the blisters and scars that come with it.  We are up to it with GOD'S help.  It will not and should not be easy!  Nothing worth fighting for should come easy.

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of an undivided Jerusalem!