Friday, March 25, 2011

No One Remembers, But We Need To!

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  How true.  That is not the quote exactly, but I am sure that the intent is the same.  We all make mistakes but if we do not learn from our mistakes we repeat them over and over until we do.

It is the same the world over.  It is the same for every human being.  And it is the same for countries since they are ruled by human beings, unhappily, many human beings who chose not to learn from the past, from the history so dearly paid for in blood, sweat and tears.

"You don't know ME!"  
"That will never happen to ME!"

We all say those idiotic statements.  IT, whatever "IT" is, will never happen to me.  Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, spousal abuse, abortion, molestation, divorce, death, illness and any other tragic accident will not happen to me.  But it does.  In the case of countries and dictators, presidents, kings and queens it is assassination, insurrection, coups, national financial collapse, invasion, public unrest and on and on goes the merry-go-round.  And it happens.  There is intrigue of all sorts, failed regimes, spies, social problems, nuclear power melt-downs, power grid failures and we all fall down.

The news is filled with undeclared wars, nuclear melt-downs from the very plants that are supposed to make life easier and provide for the human equation.

My goal when I was a teenager was to become a nuclear physicist.  I never became that physicist.  I never lived my dream.  The world may be a safer place for it.  Or the world may have missed a chance to have safer nuclear power plants.  There is a safer way to use nuclear power.  Instead of using fission, why not use fusion?  Money, of course!  (Maybe I could have discovered a totally new way of producing energy for use in our daily lives.  Hmmm?)

All funds and time and effort have been spent on developing nuclear fission plants.  It may have something to do with much of the research having been done through the research on the bomb.  Unlike GOD Who has no trouble putting atoms together, we humans are much better at splitting things like atoms apart.  Because it was easier and faster to create a fission weapon, we continued upon that path.  We have followed a path which is failing to provide us with the easy life we so desired.  Fission is fraught with by-products more hazardous than the fuel itself.  Unable to dispose of radioactive waste, we stumble about, refusing to see that the use of fission reactors needs to go by the wayside in favor of the fusion reactor that produces less harmful by-products or radioactive products with shorter half-lives (depending upon which research articles you read).

Or maybe not.  Maybe we just need to continue the insanity, never changing, and keep doing things that do not work and expect them to work ... eventually.  Life was never supposed to be this complicated.  HE gave it to us to live fully not fully mess up.  If we all followed HIS mandates, HIS way of living, we would not have the problems we have neither personally nor world-wide.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.


  1. Shalom Pamela,

    Great article! I've heard that the type of nuclear reactor being used in Japan (water reactor) to produce electricity is steam driven and that all the talk in the news about extremely high levels of radiation contamination is all hype; and is being used to distract and cause fear among people. What are your thoughts on the matter?

    Shalom In Yahshua

  2. There are 2 main thoughts on fusion reactors. One is that they produce virtually no products that are harmful and the other is that the process produces slightly less than the fission reactor. Since we do not truly know of any working fusion reactors then it is all theory and speculation based upon computer models, graphs and someone's best guess.

    Fusion requires tremendously high temperatures to achieve the desired results and even that can be problematic.

    I am not sure it matters what type of reactor you are operating when a massive earthquake hits as there will be major damage to systems and it can never be as accurately predicted as one would like as to which systems will take the quake well and which ones will collapse under a great magnitude quake.

    It is always in a country's best interest if they can solve their internal problems themselves, mainly due to the fact that we humans like to think we are stronger and smarter than we are and need no one's help.

    That being said, I do not believe that the concerns of the Japanese people nor their government is all hype. Their island country was actually moved and the earth was shifted on its axis. The resultant catastrophes even if they just used natural gas would be tremendous.

    The Japanese people in general are more disciplined than most of us in the United States. They actually have "earthquake drills" and consider them part of their duty as citizens. If we tried having regular drills for much of anything here in the United States, the populace may go for it for a time or two, but when they did not see an immediate need for it, they would soon lose interest.

    There will be many rumors and speculations as to what happened in Japan to their reactors just as there was speculation and rumor when Chernobyl had a melt-down and when Three Mile Island had its problems. I would rather hear about a catastrophe as it is happening (hype or not) than learn of it years later when myself and others started getting cancer.

    It is all in THE LORD'S hands. HE will provide. We just need to stay real close to HIM.

