Saturday, November 7, 2015

Can You Really Walk too Close to the Edge?

As children we liked to get as close to the edge of pretty much everything.  Some of us, like me, were just plan hard-headed.  Really.  How long could it hurt?  How far will I fall?  Just how bad could the consequences be, anyway?  As far as getting a spanking was concerned, it always ended and was never as bad as expected.  It was soon a distant memory.  

Had my first plane trip when I was 6.  I jumped off ledges.  At 9 I walked a ledge around the second story of our apartment building.  Ran away from home at 12 on a passenger train.  That was not as adventurous as it sounds.  My aunt bought the ticket for me and my father was waiting for me at the destination.  I would rather have a beating than get a lecture.  A spanking was over when they tired, but that voice seemed to go on and on and on.

But that was then; 50 years and a lifetime ago.

Today is different.  Today, I watch as Christians, those who have become reborn, a child of GOD, try to walk as far from GOD as possible.  Of one thing I am certain, my Salvation was a totally free gift from GOD; I did nothing to gain Salvation and therefore can do nothing to lose Salvation.  I can, however, grieve the HOLY SPIRIT.  

But knowing that GOD will never leave me nor abandon me, should I really want to see how far away from HIM I can stray without severing that sweet communion we have?   While liberty has been bestowed upon me by GOD'S Grace and I am free to choose holiness, the HOLY SPIRIT has also come to live within me, give me comfort, support the Will of GOD, and encourage me to do HIS Will and not my own.  Each time that I choose my own way, I grieve the HOLY SPIRIT and the HOLY SPIRIT'S voice of reason is heard less and less until it is ignored altogether.  If I truly am a child of GOD, it should grieve my own spirit and cause my heart to weep unconsolably to know that I, in my own stupidity and pridefulness, have quenched the ONE thing that wants above all else to Comfort me and bring me back into sweet communion.

And that brings me to celebrating pagan holidays disguised as having innocent fun or even worse yet, mocking evil.  Evil and sin (which to me are one in the same) are nothing more than disobedience to the WILL OF GOD.  Are we truly authorized to mock sin?  Or are we to spread the Gospel and lead lost souls to CHRIST?   The answer is clear.  Flaunting our Salvation and dressing up in innocent costumes to taunt the Devil and his emmisaries is found nowhere in Scripture.  The Old Testament shows the Prophet of GOD mocking the priests of Baal and asking them if their god was on the toilet and unable to respond to their requests, but he did not dress up in an angel costume when he did so.  At no time in the New Testament does it show anyone of GOD'S people dressing in costume, flaunting their Christianity, and/or tempting Satan.

In the New Testament, Gentiles who became Christians were not commanded to participate in Jewish rituals, such as circumcision.  Nor were Christian Jews told to cease celebrating their rituals, such as circumcision.   When Gentiles (which is anyone who is not Jewish) were saved, they repented of their sin, just as the Jews did and became a new creature in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  

Is our participation in questionable holy days (holidays) simply a form of walking to close to the edge of the precipice?   Are we taunting the dark side (evil), daring it to try to win?  Or are we, Christians, being just plain stiff-necked and pride-filled in trying to go our own way? 

Paul said that he did not do the things he should do and did the things that he should not and did not want to do because of the battle that rages within.  We all suffer from that battle.  The HOLY SPIRIT is at war with the flesh that we reside in for the simple reason that our flesh has not been reborn, only our soul.  

As you go through each day, ask yourself if what you are about to do is a matter of your own pride or is it what GOD has chosen for you to do?

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What is sin?

To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816

I came across this on Facebook this morning and thought it worth sharing.  The old ideas need to be revived.  If we do not learn from the mistakes of history, we are doomed to repeat them.  Countries that have embraced the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, the sins of the Roman Empire as it decayed and was torn apart from within, will be summarily destroyed.  The consequences of destroying families, killing babies, and spending beyond their means is a recipe for disaster.

The United States of America is by no means standing alone in this respect.  

If we cannot learn from the mistakes and sins of others, we are doomed to learn from our own.  May GOD have mercy on this shameful and sin-filled world!

SHALOM!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Now that is interesting! Hmmm....

Going from 100 to 200 views a day to none is interesting to me when it is entire countries.

Wonder what is happening.  Cookies?  

SHALOM!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

Monday, November 2, 2015

United Nations Takeover or Paving the Way for the Anti-Christ?

Do “We the People” have a valid reason to fear the Federal Government? As a growing number of unarmed Federal agencies are now either armed or in the process of being armed, there is a real reason for concern. Paranoia is only unfounded if there is no reason for it. We have untold numbers of reasons to be concerned about the push to disarm “We the People” and put more arms and ammunition in the hands of agencies within the Federal Government that maintain alliances with the United Nations.

There will be many of us who wake up one day to find that “chip” that was just a suggestion for convenience is now mandatory and what you eat and when you eat, where you go and how you go, is no longer your decision, it is dependent upon a Government computer somewhere telling everyone what to do. Or, perhaps, as the Christians see it, the Anti-Christ, ruling lives through his “mark of the Beast” which is a tattooed RFID chip. Very convenient.

Published on Oct 16, 2015
According to the Washington Times, the agency is spending millions of dollars to build a small militarized force of around 200 agents. These agents are charged with fighting environmental crimes and have been equipped with some of the most cutting edge military equipment available.
Among their cache of weapons and military gear include semi-automatic rifles, guns, body armor, camouflage equipment, unmanned drones and aircraft, amphibious assault ships, radar and night-vision gear, and other military-style weaponry and surveillance equipment.

April 23, 2014
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) now have armed agents. The Department of Justice is heavily partisan — and that assertion has nothing to do with racism. I support our law enforcement agencies having the proper resources and equipment to fulfill their mission of keeping us safe from criminals and enemies who have penetrated our sovereign borders. However, we do not need to become a “police state” where our government agencies start to resemble special operation strike troops of the U.S. mlitary.
During the 2008 campaign, I recall then-Senator Obama stating, “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Just like the fundamental transformation of America, what exactly did this mean? And just as amazingly, behind the young inexperienced junior Senator, you can see American military veterans applauding.

July 14, 2014
Besides the IRS, no agency should scare the American people more than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A new EPA rule makes it easier for the controversial agency to garnish personal wages for the collection of fines owed to the government. Prior to the EPA’s July 2, 2014 rule, the agency was required to first obtain a court judgment before garnishing a private citizens’ wages. But the EPA thought it was best to, you know, cut out the middleman and be allowed to collect non-tax debts without a court order.
While there are undeniably many instances where citizens or businesses do violate one of the countless EPA regulations, removing the courts from the initial garnishment process is ill advised. Checks and balances is a good thing, not an inconvenience.
The direct garnishment rule is unsurprising given the Obama EPA’s attempt to “strong-arm” private citizens. Around four years ago, Mike and Chantell Sackett purchased a parcel of land near a lake in Idaho. They planned to build a house there. After the Sacketts began building their new home, they received a notice from the EPA informing them that their property was classified as wetlands under the Clean Water Act. If the Sacketts did not halt construction, they could receive daily $75,000 fines. Concerned and perplexed, the Sacketts attempted to sue the EPA to get the agency to reclassify their property. Only the Sacketts couldn’t sue the EPA since the agency had not first sued the couple to enforce its order.
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Sacketts shouldn’t have to wait around for the EPA to sue them. In the decision, Justine Antonin Scalia writes that access to courts is a proper response to “the strong-arming of regulated parties” by government agencies. Justice Alito took the EPA to task in a concurring opinion criticizing the agency for its implementation of the law it used to fine the Sacketts with and the agency’s behavior:

September 14, 2013

The recent uproar over armed EPA agents descending on a tiny Alaska mining town is shedding light on the fact that 40 federal agencies – including nearly a dozen typically not associated with law enforcement -- have armed divisions.

The number of federal department with armed personnel climbs to 73 when adding in the 33 offices of inspector general, the government watchdogs for agencies as large as the Postal Service to the Government Printing Office, whose IG has only five full-time officers. The EPA defended its use of armed officers, after the Alaska incident.
"Environmental law enforcement, like other forms of law enforcement, always involves the potential for physical, even armed, confrontation," the agency said.
 But Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell has already ordered an investigation, saying "This level of intrusion and intimidation of Alaskans is absolutely unacceptable."

January 31, 2008

As of 31 January 2008, according to the United Nations Environment Programme, the U.S. had a total of 6,770 terrestrial nationally designated (federal) protected areas. These protected areas cover 2,607,131 km2 (1,006,619 sq mi), or 12 percent of the land area of the United States.[2] This is also one-tenth of the protected land area of the world.

2008 United Nations National Forest Monitoring Systems: Monitoring and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (M & MRV) in the context of REDD+ Activities

The purpose of this document is to describe the elements in National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMSs) as they relate to REDD+ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and to describe the UN-REDD Programme approach to Monitoring and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (M & MRV) requirements. This paper is presented in a series of sections discussing the various elements of relevant texts of the UNFCCC and the methodological recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This approach aims to allow the end-user to consider the implications of the implementation of REDD+ activities in distinct national contexts, and the various steps involved.

The future vitality of the world’s forests and the globally significant environmental services they provide are increasingly under threat from human activities. Not only do these activities have negative impacts on biodiversity and hydrological services but they also contribute to global climate change. It is estimated that deforestation of tropical forests released around 1-2,000 Mt C/yr to the atmosphere during the 1990s, which corresponds to approximately 17 percent of annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during the same period. This significant source of emissions is being addressed under the UNFCCC, through reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), with the aim of lowering the contribution from the forestry sector. REDD became ‘REDD+’ with the addition of activities aiming to conserve, sustainably manage and increase forest carbon stocks.

And in 1997 the United Nations is monitoring the United States of America for our EPA accomplishments, but to what end?

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