Ghosts? Are they real? What are they? What do we see? What is it? Is it easier to believe in disembodied souls of departed humans and animals than it is to believe in THE RISEN LORD?
I do believe that people see things that cannot be explained by current socio-scientific knowledge, but can be explained quite easily through Scripture. People call them ghosts, specters and other things.
Scripture tells us that when we die, our soul either goes to be with The LORD, or it goes to Hell. Our body lies in the grave without our soul until it is resurrected and united with the soul for the final Judgment. That is pretty simple. I am sure that there are Bible scholars out there who can debate the nuances of my assumptions, but I will leave that for those more educated. I like to keep it simple.
What those who believe in ghosts would have us believe is that the soul is confused and does not want to leave the earthly plain and wanders for eternity not wanting to admit death has taken them. I have a problem with that. That assumption is saying that after death, we have some kind of control over our eternal destiny.
There are tales of haunting and possessions of living humans by departed humans. Truth or fabrication? I do believe that living human beings can be possessed. I do believe that there are experiences that cannot be explained within our current understanding if we disavow the spiritual aspect.
What if you substitute demons for the human spirit? That is when it makes sense to me. The devil works through his minions, his demons. What are demons? Are they not just the fallen angels, the third that fell from Grace because they followed Lucifer? What of the "souls" of the Nephilim - the offspring of the angels who mated with human women (which is one of the abominations that brought on the flood of Noah)?
If demons are performing the haunting of houses, etc and demons are doing the possessing, what of the "good" spirits? Well, for one thing, the "good" spirits would not be possessing humans. External guiding - yes; possessing - no. These so-called "good" spirits would be Angels sent by GOD. Would they come as mindless children, playing games in attics, rolling balls in hallways, giggling, laughing, and on and on? I hardly think so. Angels are sent with messages and, from what Scripture says, are intentional and understood by the recipient as coming from GOD. Look at Daniel's answer to his prayer and Mary being informed of her imminent pregnancy.
There is evidence that the ability to speak with the dead is there, but GOD has forbidden us to do so. When Saul went to the Witch of Endor and spoke with Samuel, it was not told as a fictional story, but as a truth. Notice, though, that he was able to speak with Samuel who was one of THE LORD's prophets and Saul was told that he and his sons would be with him (Samuel) tomorrow. Nothing good came of that exchange between the dead and the living. I do not recall any other time it was recorded that one called upon the dead. When Jesus called Lazarus from the dead, HE brought him back to life. There was no interchange of conversation nor ideas. At the time of the Transfiguration when HE conversed with Moses and Elias, it appears that the conversation was not all inclusive. They (Moses and Elias) spoke only with THE MESSIAH and with no one else.
No where in Scripture have I found an instance of possession by a "good" spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells by invitation and that invitation is through our acceptance of Salvation through THE MESSIAH's finished work on the Cross of Calvary with the shedding of HIS blood and HIS Resurrection. The Holy Spirit guides us. HE does not force us to do anything. We can turn away and grieve the Spirit. We can act on our own.
Possession forces one to do the bidding of the demon. Possession is possibly invitation by default. One denies THE LORD giving demons permission to invade the unprotected soul. There are several accounts in Scripture of possession by one or more (legions of) demons. They did no good to the one possessed. They did everything evil but take the life of the one possessed.
If you take nothing from these words then I have failed to even give you something to think about. As television and movies promote the existence of supernatural phenomena, I would hope that you would take the time to think about what they are saying and compare it to Scripture. Although they may be on to something, I believe they are erring in prompting people to embrace these experiences. When you ask demons in, they will enter with a vengeance. They will deceive and misdirect and seemingly lull one into a false sense of security.
If you want to err, err on the side of caution. Do not participate in seances, "life" readings, fortune telling of any sort nor the reading of horoscopes. It is all the Devil's handiwork. Beware of anything that tells you talking to the dead is a good thing. You cannot fix the past. Look to the future. Ask THE LORD for guidance.
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
HELP! We Are Incompatible!
Sometimes people like me write about things that are happening in their lives. This is not one of those times. My mind goes off on tangents while watching TV or listening to people talk or even reading posts on FaceBook.
I do not even know how this train of thought got started. It may even have been a case of spontaneous thinking. You have seen, I am sure, the cartoons where the light bulb goes off. This was not that kind of experience. It was more like a smoldering ember that suddenly caught fire.
I see the celebrity news reports where breakups are as common as rehab visits. School children, even in our small country town, get on the bus at several different homes within the same week. Mom, or Dad moves out, finds true love, divorces, moves out, shacks up, finds true love and the cycle continues.
And, why? To be happy. "I deserve to be happy!" Who said so? Happiness is not guaranteed. It is not a given, just because one draws a breath. We strive for the unattainable when we should be content wherein we are whether it be plenty or poverty.
Parents used to stay together because it was the right thing to do. They worked through their problems or at least learned to live with them. Then, they stayed together "for the sake of the children" yearning for the day when the children would leave home. They neither enjoyed their life nor their children. Now, it seems that a person's happiness is paramount. To Hell with the marriage. To Hell with the children. I have to be happy.
We are a selfish lot today. We put our happiness our feel good above the care and feeding of the family. Family is filled with sacrifice. Kids are needy little buggers. They require your attention 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Yet we try to run away at the first sign of giving our all.
GOD built us to raise children. HE gave us the ability to give all in order to raise the next generation.
So, what in the world has happened? That's easy to answer. We have succumbed to the notions that the world promotes. Family is meaningless. Children are resilient and can overcome anything that happens to them without benefit of proper parenting. It does not matter who raises a child nor what values they give them when they raise them.
It is like planting corn. You can plant it, water it and watch it grow while you water it and watch it grow. When required, feed it. Keep the bugs away from it. Tend it until it is mature and ready to leave the stalk.
Or, you can throw the seed on the ground, leave it to grow on its own and go back when it is supposed to be matured and try to collect a good harvest. If the weeds, the floods, the drought or the bugs have not killed it out, you might find a few ears here and there that are fit for harvest, but more likely you will find a ruined crop.
When parents complain about how their children have turned out and I know that they did not attend to their needs like they should have, I wonder why they cannot see that they are getting out of it what they put into it.
I was not around for my own child when he was growing up. After I put myself, my needs first, I realized that it was wrong, but by then it was too late to turn things around.
That is why I feel it necessary to let people know that you must raise your child to become an adult, not to be a trophy for your failed life, nor just another cross for you to bear. Our children are our hope and oftentimes we treat them as less than the garbage we set on the curb.
If you are thinking about leaving your spouse, think again. If you are unhappy, is it not just as much your fault as your spouse's? It might even be more your fault. Unless he or she is beating you to a bloody pulp every day, dealing drugs or engaged in other illegal activities there is no good reason to leave. Even adultery can be overcome and forgiven.
If you are just shacking up stop it. That is just plain stupid. Been there. Done that. Know what it is. It is just plain stupid.
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
I do not even know how this train of thought got started. It may even have been a case of spontaneous thinking. You have seen, I am sure, the cartoons where the light bulb goes off. This was not that kind of experience. It was more like a smoldering ember that suddenly caught fire.
I see the celebrity news reports where breakups are as common as rehab visits. School children, even in our small country town, get on the bus at several different homes within the same week. Mom, or Dad moves out, finds true love, divorces, moves out, shacks up, finds true love and the cycle continues.
And, why? To be happy. "I deserve to be happy!" Who said so? Happiness is not guaranteed. It is not a given, just because one draws a breath. We strive for the unattainable when we should be content wherein we are whether it be plenty or poverty.
Parents used to stay together because it was the right thing to do. They worked through their problems or at least learned to live with them. Then, they stayed together "for the sake of the children" yearning for the day when the children would leave home. They neither enjoyed their life nor their children. Now, it seems that a person's happiness is paramount. To Hell with the marriage. To Hell with the children. I have to be happy.
We are a selfish lot today. We put our happiness our feel good above the care and feeding of the family. Family is filled with sacrifice. Kids are needy little buggers. They require your attention 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Yet we try to run away at the first sign of giving our all.
GOD built us to raise children. HE gave us the ability to give all in order to raise the next generation.
So, what in the world has happened? That's easy to answer. We have succumbed to the notions that the world promotes. Family is meaningless. Children are resilient and can overcome anything that happens to them without benefit of proper parenting. It does not matter who raises a child nor what values they give them when they raise them.
It is like planting corn. You can plant it, water it and watch it grow while you water it and watch it grow. When required, feed it. Keep the bugs away from it. Tend it until it is mature and ready to leave the stalk.
Or, you can throw the seed on the ground, leave it to grow on its own and go back when it is supposed to be matured and try to collect a good harvest. If the weeds, the floods, the drought or the bugs have not killed it out, you might find a few ears here and there that are fit for harvest, but more likely you will find a ruined crop.
When parents complain about how their children have turned out and I know that they did not attend to their needs like they should have, I wonder why they cannot see that they are getting out of it what they put into it.
I was not around for my own child when he was growing up. After I put myself, my needs first, I realized that it was wrong, but by then it was too late to turn things around.
That is why I feel it necessary to let people know that you must raise your child to become an adult, not to be a trophy for your failed life, nor just another cross for you to bear. Our children are our hope and oftentimes we treat them as less than the garbage we set on the curb.
If you are thinking about leaving your spouse, think again. If you are unhappy, is it not just as much your fault as your spouse's? It might even be more your fault. Unless he or she is beating you to a bloody pulp every day, dealing drugs or engaged in other illegal activities there is no good reason to leave. Even adultery can be overcome and forgiven.
If you are just shacking up stop it. That is just plain stupid. Been there. Done that. Know what it is. It is just plain stupid.
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I Have 7,000 Just Like You!
Just when I think I am the only one left who really knows what THE LORD wants and is following HIM, I am reminded of Elijah when he cried out to THE LORD, "and I, only I am left." Elijah said that not once but twice. I imagine his cries to THE LORD are not the same as my whimpering, whiny voice THE LORD hears so frequently.
HIS answer to Elijah was simple. Do this, this and this and, by the way, "Yet, I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees of which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him."
As much as I think I am alone, I am reminded that there are many out there who, quite frankly, have done a far better job of adhering to THE WORD OF THE LORD. It is never my place to say who has done worse, nor is it my place to say who has done better, but in my heart, I seem to make those distinctions.
As much as THE LORD has done for me and I fall so short in the daily little things that would mean so much to HIM. Allowing those trashy words to fall so easily from my lips when praise for HIM would serve better; allowing my eyes to view things that I should never see; allowing my ears to listen to foul jokes or language befitting a barroom brawl; and lastly allowing my heart to dwell upon the garbage that I have allowed to invade my senses.
How often we, Christians join in the discussions of what happened on reality shows that are far from real, or daydream about what might be happening next in some drug crazed activity of an actor or when some lost soul actress might be going to jail. In times past we would have been gathering for prayer instead of gossip or idle chit-chat. How far we have come and how close to the world we have gotten.
The Old Testament children of Israel have nothing on us when it comes to murmuring about what we have not got or the melding of our beliefs with those of the heathens. We take on the holidays and observances like they belong to GOD when, in fact, they are the property of Satan himself. We allow our children to attend church half-dressed, showing all that is legal and we wonder why their attention is drawn to things of the flesh instead of the things of THE LORD.
We practice insanity daily. We do the same things day after day and expect different results. The time draws close when the decisions we have made will be for all eternity. We do not know when that day may come. We see the signs all around us, but all it takes is the stopping of the breath that keeps us living. HE gave us that life, HE takes that life away. Then comes eternity. Where will you be?
Where will you spend eternity? Do you know THE MESSIAH?? Do you have a relationship with THE GOD of Heaven, The Creator?
Do not follow the examples of man. Find the One, True Example to follow. Follow Jeshuah. HE will lead you properly. Read the BIBLE. Follow the ONE TRUE GOD.
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!
HIS answer to Elijah was simple. Do this, this and this and, by the way, "Yet, I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees of which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him."
As much as I think I am alone, I am reminded that there are many out there who, quite frankly, have done a far better job of adhering to THE WORD OF THE LORD. It is never my place to say who has done worse, nor is it my place to say who has done better, but in my heart, I seem to make those distinctions.
As much as THE LORD has done for me and I fall so short in the daily little things that would mean so much to HIM. Allowing those trashy words to fall so easily from my lips when praise for HIM would serve better; allowing my eyes to view things that I should never see; allowing my ears to listen to foul jokes or language befitting a barroom brawl; and lastly allowing my heart to dwell upon the garbage that I have allowed to invade my senses.
How often we, Christians join in the discussions of what happened on reality shows that are far from real, or daydream about what might be happening next in some drug crazed activity of an actor or when some lost soul actress might be going to jail. In times past we would have been gathering for prayer instead of gossip or idle chit-chat. How far we have come and how close to the world we have gotten.
The Old Testament children of Israel have nothing on us when it comes to murmuring about what we have not got or the melding of our beliefs with those of the heathens. We take on the holidays and observances like they belong to GOD when, in fact, they are the property of Satan himself. We allow our children to attend church half-dressed, showing all that is legal and we wonder why their attention is drawn to things of the flesh instead of the things of THE LORD.
We practice insanity daily. We do the same things day after day and expect different results. The time draws close when the decisions we have made will be for all eternity. We do not know when that day may come. We see the signs all around us, but all it takes is the stopping of the breath that keeps us living. HE gave us that life, HE takes that life away. Then comes eternity. Where will you be?
Where will you spend eternity? Do you know THE MESSIAH?? Do you have a relationship with THE GOD of Heaven, The Creator?
Do not follow the examples of man. Find the One, True Example to follow. Follow Jeshuah. HE will lead you properly. Read the BIBLE. Follow the ONE TRUE GOD.
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!
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