Bodily exercise profits little. Evidently somebody was. Running the race and other references to exercise and sports are throughout Scripture.
I have heard much on the arguments, pro and con, regarding exercise and sports and the necessity or lack of necessity for participation in sports or even exercise. In my opinion sports could vanish tomorrow and it would not affect my life in the slightest.
Health, on the other hand is frequently mentioned. Food is mentioned often in the first chapters of Genesis. We were given every herb of the field to eat. And would be healthy doing so. Everything in the Garden of Eden was for our use.
The next big mention of nutrition is actually in Noah and the Ark. There were many more pairs of clean animals taken than unclean. Although it is not stated as such, I suspect that for the first time in earth's short history animals were to be the main source of food when the Ark settled on the Mountains of Ararat, there would be no herbs growing on water drenched soil. There would be no choice but to eat animals until the plants were able to grow and produce food.
Exodus gives us numerous accounts of the people's point of view of whatever food that was on hand and it seems they were seldom satisfied for very long. If they had Manna, they wanted meat. If they had meat they wanted the delicacies of Egypt. That in itself is humorous. They were slaves in Egypt and barely got grain and water. What they knew of delicacies was what they saw the Egyptians eat. Maybe there were some crumbs that fell from the master's table.
In Leviticus, there is an abundance of references to what is proper to eat. The laws were given to maintain a healthy Jew, primarily due to the fact it was in obedience to GOD. YHWH made them. HE knew what to feed them to keep them at optimum health. Simple.
In the New Testament, food came up in a variety of ways. Some of it was symbolic and represented the Gospel. The last supper that THE LORD celebrated with the twelve chosen ones was of major importance. It represented HIS sacrifice. With HIS stripes we are healed.
Healed. What does that mean? There are many opinions and writings on that simple statement. We are healed. It says nothing about degrees of healing nor partial healing, not even total healing. HE said it simply. With HIS stripes we are healed - nothing more, nothing less.
So, what does one do? Moderation is my key. That has not worked really well for me, because I basically tend to overdo the things I like; such as chocolate, french fries, cinnamon buns, dark, deep chocolate, fried fish, fried chicken, dark chocolate m&m's, pancakes, waffles and chocolate. Did I mention chocolate?
I got truly stupid when the ear stapling fad went through our area and several of us women got it done. A week later I got the staples removed. They were painful going in and coming out.
I have tried Nutrisystem. It worked. I lost 25 pounds of the 40 I wanted to lose. I gained it back once I started using the meals as snacks and resumed eating regular meals when my husband retired. He started cooking when he retired and I did not want to offend him so I ate what he cooked. He is a good cook. That was a plus and it plussed all over me. I gained 30 pounds.
Trying to lose 50 pounds is not that easy at age 61. With some people it has never and will never be easy.
It does take a change in lifestyle and a bent toward living a healthier lifestyle. You have to have the right product or program and the right support.
I think I may have found it. There is a link on my blog that leads to a 90 Day Health Challenge. I will start on mine this Thursday when my shakes arrive. I will take my before photos and measurements and keep everyone updated. The shakes taste great and that makes it easier to swallow. It is also cost effective.
Until then...
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.