Thursday, April 25, 2013

Snippets from today

"Perhaps the most dangerous provision of ObamaCare is the assertion by the federal government that it now has the power to force every American to purchase products that the government believes they should purchase, whether or not they need them, want them, or can afford them.

If this precedent prevails, the federal government will have assumed authority over every aspect of individual choice in the care of our families and ourselves and can logically be extended to what foods we eat or to what physical activities we engage in."


"U.S. Army labels Southern Baptist Convention 'hostile'
Congressman speaks out on behalf of Christians in military
April 25, 2013

The United States Army has blocked the website of the Southern Baptist Convention from government computers, saying the Christian site contains "hostile content."

An Army officer assigned to a U.S. base said he tried to access from his government computer, but instead, he got a message that said the site was being blocked by "Team CONUS." Team CONUS protects the computer network of the Department of Defense.

"The site you have requested has been blocked by Team CONUS (C-TNOSC/RECERT-CONUS) due to hostile content."

"So the Southern Baptist Convention is now considered hostile to the U.S. just corroborates the recent string of events highlighted by AFA," the officer wrote in an email to American Family Association.

This is just another example of the Christian faith coming under attack in the military. Earlier this month, an Army email listed prominent Christian ministries like the Family Research Council and American Family Association as "domestic hate groups."

This prompted Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) to question Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel about religious liberty issues during a House Armed Services Committee meeting just two weeks ago."


"It is a fallacy of modern society that children are supposed to spend their youth being children. They are, in fact, supposed to be spending that time learning to become productive members of society as adults."


Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!