Too many in business want to re-imagine the truth in a way that makes it look good or makes their product seem better than it is. As product liability insurance cost rise and the wariness of the average consumer rises, the business world contains a much higher percentage of folks who think re-imagined truth is the way to go. They think people are generally stupid or as stupid as they themselves are.
A little rabbit trail here: My mother always told me to never call anyone stupid. But, lately, the word has been used far too often to describe those who have lesser learning than that of a certified public accountant or Harvard educated lawyers or even that of a glorified actor. I was always taught by Mom that there was never a reason to call someone stupid. So, I looked up the current definition of stupid on Merriam-Webster.
This is what it said:
1: a : slow of mind : obtuse b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
2: dulled in feeling or sensation : torpid <still stupid from the sedative>
3: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>
4: a : lacking interest or point <a stupid event> b : vexatious, exasperating <the stupid car won't start>
So, in conclusion, stupid has been elevated from the pit to the palace. It is one of those all-inclusive words that cover the gamut from mild mindlessness to downright arrogant, mindless, unintelligent thoughtlessness. Now that is a mouthful.
Back on the main lane - re-imagined truth. According to Scripture Truth is true whether you believe it or not. It cannot be colored nor put in a gray area, nor is it true according to the whims and whimsies of the speaker. Lies, on the other hand can be colored, twisted, pulled, bullied, warped, dragged and all manner of re-imagining.
As we stand on the brink of being stupid and making the decision as to whether or not to fabricate or lie, it might do us well to remember that the Truth will set you free. Leave the re-imagining of Truth to the liars and writers of fiction.
Shalom. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.