Friday, July 18, 2014

Success is NOT a Four Letter Word!

Success is not a four letter word.  Why is it that when people talk about successful people, it is with disdain or even outright hatred?  The news media is bad about it, particularly if the successful person is conservative.  It is truly an advancement of class warfare.  During the reign of Robespierre in France, the guillotine was invented as a quicker way to dispose of those filthy, wealthy rulers.  It was easier than the axe.  He started with the ruling class.  When he ran out of wealthy noblemen and women, he started for the wealthy business men and women.  As the pickings grew slimmer, he looked for yet another sector of the people to guillotine.  He grew in favor with the people until he started hunting them. 

Hitler was not the first to try to eliminate "undesirables" but his way was horrifically more, shall we say, efficient than that of Robespierre. 

Remember this the next time someone starts trying to turn you against a segment of the population.  Look at their reasons behind it.  Look closely at the laws they are trying to pass in order to enforce another effort at thought control.   I am not a supporter of any type of "hate crimes" legislation, nor do I support any type of restrictions on how much a person can honestly make in a year or in their lifetime.

The lowest wage one can earn should not be a mattress but step; just one step of many that they will take in their lifetime.  One should not be confined to simply "getting by" because they know every few years the minimum wage will be raised and they feel like they are "okay."

My first job paid me $1.00 an hour.  My next job paid me a whopping $1.50 an hour.  Within a short time, I was making $2.25 an hour.   Then I got a job that paid the enormous amount of $135.00 a week and that included my lunch HOUR and my health insurance with no deductible.  Overtime was paid after I worked a full 40 hours.  I actually worked 9 to 5 before working overtime. 

In today's economy, folks are protesting and fighting tooth and nail for that minimum wage to be increased like there is no hope for them to every get a decent paying job.  Today someone can make $750.00 a week and still not be able to clear enough to pay their rent/house payment, put gas in their vehicle and buy food. 

Wonder why that is.  We can blame taxes, government intrusion into our personal lives in the form of mandated health care, EPA regulations on where we live, the President's wife telling moms and dads what they can send in their children's school lunch, the news media with its penchant for declaring EVERYTHING a disaster and we can blame ourselves.  We can blame ourselves for putting up with this nonsense and allowing the "nanny state" to get started in the first place.

Success is not a four letter word and neither is work.  Well, "work" is a four letter word, but it's a good one.  Government can't supply jobs except in bureaucracy.  The government can't make you successful with subsidies, grants or minimum wage increases.  You have to work and make yourself a success.  It won't be easy.  You may have to change course more than a couple of times.  You may never be a billionaire.  Shoot, you may never make a million, but you will own it.  It won't be anything that someone has given you simply because you exist.  There is a certain amount of pride that goes with that and it is a good thing.

I wish you great success in your particular endeavor providing it is meaningful and of benefit to someone other than yourself.  Success is much better when it's shared.

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!