Saturday, September 12, 2015

While we dosed, our country went to HELL!

Just yesterday the United States of America remembered what happened September 11, 2001 when the enemy invaded our shores and literally tried to take us down!  Did they bring their weapons with them?  No, they used us against ourselves.

All across this great country, the battle is being fought, sometimes silently across the internet, sometimes with guns and knives.  What are they using?  They are using us against ourselves.  They are trying to turn us against one another.  They are trying to turn us against law enforcement.  They are trying to keep us murdering our babies in the womb; getting us to lose heart in our fellow citizens.  Looking at one another as heartless, money-grubbing, Satanists with nothing more in mind than to get pleasure for the moment.

They have infiltrated our government.  They have infiltrated social media.  They have infiltrated our churches.  They have taken over the majority of media.  Have you wondered why Christianity has been denigrated and shown to be laughable while Islam has been built up and shown to be a religion of peace?  This didn't happen overnight.  It's been happening for years.  How could we not see it?

How could we just sit by and not only "let" it happen, but encourage it?  We just didn't think it was that important.  It's such a little thing.   It's not like we're really losing anything.   No, we just lost our souls.  We lost what was precious.  We lost our children.  Under the falsehood of allowing our children to make up their own minds about religion and morals when they got old enough because we didn't want to brainwash them, we allowed the subversives who had no such restrictions to come in and steal our children and our grandchildren.  We allowed them into our schools to indoctrinate our teachers, our pre-schoolers and our kindergartners.  They had no compunction against brainwashing or using children to further their agenda.

We have allowed, no, we have encouraged disparaging videos, songs and politics to advance in the United States of America to the point that our children have not the first inkling that they have never had the freedom that we grew up with.  This country is wanting a leader much like pre-WW2 Germany.  I just pray to GOD that we don't get another Hitler, someone who tells us he or she can make this country great again but only supports the Socialist or Communist Party.

The EPA is out of control.  We have allowed the United Nation to take control of land within our country.  The FDA is out of control.  The Supreme Court of the United States seems to think they have the power to impose their opinions as law.  Congress has lost control.  The Senate is a sham.  The President has a pen and a phone.

WHERE THE HELL ARE WE THE PEOPLE?  Sitting on our fat behinds surfing through the channels or surfing the web.   We have no clue who is running for local or state offices.  We have abandoned common sense for something better - a government handout.  From the cradle to the grave, we want someone to take care of us and give us what we think we need.  If we don't get it what do we do?  Pitch a fit, riot and grab it out of a store.   Then expect the government to clean up the mess we made, rebuild the stores and let us do it all over again.

An election is coming up and we have a President who has said, "If I leave office..."  Really?  "If?"  We had a Secretary of State who was the "smartest woman in the world" who apparently didn't have a clue that the job contained classified information of any sort.

It is time for us to smarten up!  Don't you think?

Now the powers that be want us to take in 10,000 refugees without question.  Considering the fact that we couldn't seem to stop the Iran Nuclear program, I have little faith that we will be able to stop the invasion of ISIS under the guise of giving aid to refugees.  I don't buy it.  I've seen the riots and scoffing these "refugees" have done in other countries.  IT WILL HAPPEN HERE!  A leopard can't change his spots.  He can just roll in the mud and cover them.

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of JERUSALEM!!