According to GOD, I, as a parent am worthy of honor. In spite of the FACT that I was not a particularly honorable parent. There is no greater frustration than knowing that, as a parent, I should have done better. Quite frankly, I could have done better. I was too busy taking care of myself, my needs, my desires, my wants.
If there were any bits of advice or wisdom I could impart to parents of young children, it would be this. If, in your heart, you know you are not being the best you can be for your children or you are not making the proper sacrifices, change now!
It means teaching them by close association with them. Training them to be a GODLY man or woman. Allowing them to enjoy the moment they have as a child but helping them to put away childish things as they mature. Encouraging their maturity and rejoicing with them through their milestones. It means that you do not listen to the social engineers and the Femmi-Nazi's that rail against the norms established by GOD HIMSELF. It means that you do not rely upon a government entity to tell you to bring your baby from the delivery room to the daycare so he/she can be "properly raised" in a gender neutral environment and indoctrinated in the government's newest "politically correct" attitude free from the messy ideas of morality and a knowledge of GOD.
Hitler believed that if he could get the youth for just one generation, he would own the Germany. He did and he did. He also believed that if you watered down Christianity to make it palatable to the masses, you could change the law to allow the killing of the infirm, of the unwanted, of the undesirables. He did and he did.
"It's the economy, stupid!" That was the rallying cry for Bill Clinton's second term in office, if I remember correctly. What he and others who think like him fail to understand is when the family disintegrates and the social structure is demolished so is the economy. Just eliminate 40 or 50 million people and their descendants from the payroll equation and you no longer have a self-paying Social Security program. Which of those millions could have discovered the cure for something like Cancer, AIDS or maybe toe fungus? And what about the discoveries that might have been made? A totally free and renewable energy source would have been good. OR, maybe a way to feed the world's hungry? How about a cure for Alzheimer's?
Did we destroy peace-makers along with the war-mongers? Of course we did! We created this society of death and destruction and instituted a scorched earth policy in order to allow our darkest deeds to go unchallenged. We say nothing. We raise our children to "make up their own minds" regarding GOD, which only gives the opposition free reign to indoctrinate our children with "tolerance" for everything and a belief in nothing but self.
Living under the delusion that you do not want to "brainwash" your child you fail to arm them with the only thing that will protect them and guide them. Not wanting to be labeled a fanatic, you forgo religious indoctrination for the T-Ball and Softball fields. Soon it becomes obvious that it is not necessary to be so immersed in Sunday School or Church activities and you become oblivious to the pleadings of the HOLY SPIRIT. Grieving THE SPIRIT is not difficult and gets easier as time goes on. While THE SPIRIT groans within you, missing the communion with THE LORD, missing the fellowship with other Believers.
As the child grows without the benefit of the protection of THE HOLY SPIRIT, it becomes easier for the mind of the child to be filled with false doctrine and intoxicating spirits. The lure of the world is strong and without the help of THE HOLY SPIRIT, it is nearly impossible to resist fleshly and worldly desires.
Be with your child. Train you child. Take your child to Church, don't just "send" them to Sunday School. Read Scripture to them and with them. Study the BIBLE stories and fill them with the Blessed Hope of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST and HIS Sacrifice on THE CROSS OF CALVARY.
That is our HOPE. That is the only way we can truly be worthy of honor as parents.
Shalom! Pray for THE PEACE of Jerusalem!