Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Some famous (or should I say infamous) person said, "It's the economy, stupid!"   And from there went on to prove that you do not have to have even an adequate knowledge of the simple word is to become President of the United States; nor do you have to possess high moral values; nor even a love for this country or the very Constitution upon which the United States of America was founded.

It appears that the very thing that has kept us free these 200 plus years is now on the endangered species list. The Constitution has always been a singular bastion of Freedom finding its roots in a field in England at Runnymede, near Windsor, as the Magna Carta Libertatum was signed by King John on June 15, 1215. And if you want to know more, simply follow this link.

We can be better than we are with GOD'S help. We seem, as a populace, to be outraged at the indiscretions of our leaders, while setting a worse example within our own state, even within our own homes.

We the people, of these United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, chose to allow freedom to reign in the area of Worship, specifically, the worship of the Christian GOD and all that entails. It was not, in any sense to mean the promotion of Satanism as a religion, nor any of the offshoots in the form of pornography, child abuse and sexual exploitation. Nor was the Constitution in anyway supportive of abortion, hence the words when we declared our independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...” (Just as an aside, the original word was not "Happiness" but "Holiness."  Imagine our take on the Constitution had that word stood as originally written.)  

We are no longer happy.  We are in no way Holy.  We are, however, enlightened

Now, it appears that we have become so enlightened that we no longer fear GOD nor respect HIS creation and kill our babies in the womb, eradicating our tax base (to put it in a more economics based perspective) and thereby assuring the knowledge of millions of people would be lost before it was ever discovered.

We are so enlightened that we no longer know who or even what we are. It appears that a lack of faith in GOD has proven to be our downfall in ways only Maximilien de Robespierre could have imagined. Although we have diminished the racial problem, now that we can self-identify as whatever race we choose, whatever sex we choose. And that is a good thing. Right? Affirmative action is no longer necessary as a white woman can now pass, excuse me, self-identify, as a black woman or even a black man and get hired as such. Wish I had known that when I was trying to gain entrance to University of Virginia in 1967 for an occupation other than nursing or teaching. I should have just cut my hair, put a sock in my drawers, bound my chest and gone as a man.

We are so enlightened that we do not even know what bathroom to use or even if we should. We have every appearance of being ashamed of this country and wanting it to be on a level playing field with third world countries, so why even have bathrooms, restrooms in public? Just use the one at home or go behind a tree. We are now living in fear due to the ridiculous. Our children are growing up in a time that only science fiction pornography used to promote. It is now here. In our attempt to label predators, we have made their faces and residences available on-line in a matter of seconds. There are apps that will notify you if a sex offender has moved into your neighborhood. The only problem is that we have yet to deal with the issue that causes them in the first place. .We have crime shows by the dozens for your viewing pleasure on an hourly basis. We have shows that deal solely with the solving of crime.

Over the years we have given the perpetrators as many rights as the victims of their hideous crimes. We have come to the conclusion that we must be more tolerant and, “Can't we all just get along?”
The simple answer is, “No, we can't.” JESUS said, “The poor you will have with you always..” I would like to also say that just like the poor, evil will be with us always until HIS return. Incarceration, while it does not stop evil, will at the very least confine it to a cell in a building; just as the death penalty cuts down on recidivism while not annihilating evil.

Things really are simpler than we like to think. You can change the shape of a person through surgery and drugs, but you still cannot change the DNA. There are true human anomalies such as chimera and hermaphrodites, but they are rarities. The attraction for the same sex is nothing new. Adultery is nothing new. Lying is nothing new. Sin has been around since the first act of disobedience. Humanity simply tolerates it, embraces it, and now calls it good. All the while calling those of us who wish to embrace GOD'S will and the tenets of Scripture as somehow hateful and evil. It won't be long before the fireman who saves a person from a burning building will be called hateful because, “maybe they wanted to burn up, and that fireman should have been more tolerant of that persons identity at the moment.

May GOD have mercy on us!

Shalom! Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!