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Friday, October 2, 2015

Christianity vs Islam

Christianity vs Islam
There are some similarities between Christianity and Islam; most of which come from the subversion of Christianity and Judaism by Mohammed in order to create a religion containing portions of both with a dose of avarice and power hunger all mixed together to form a religion. A religion in which the sado-masochistic drives of the inner demons could be unleashed without fear of the TRUE GOD because this new god says that all is possible, legal and legitimate under the guise of spreading Islam to the world and bringing about the end of times.
They, similar to Christianity, believe their way is the only way, They also believe that JESUS will be a major player in the end times but not as the SON of GOD that HE is.
Unlike Christianity, whose believers know that the end times will come in GOD'S timing and through GOD'S machinations of people and events, Islam believes they must bring it on through the use of Jihad, holy war.
Unlike Christianity, all of Islam will unite without regard to political ideology. It matters not if they are Westernized, Socialist, Communist, Shari'a or any combination of the aforementioned. They will all UNITE for they are all in one accord that they believe that Allah is god and what Allah wants is more important than any political stance or any agreement to any non-Muslim country,
To think that a Muslim (it matters not how 'moderate' the person is, they are ALWAYS, unequivocally Muslim) could be President of the United States and publicly deny the tenets of Islam in favor of the political institution is ludicrous, a sheer pipe dream. Sympathy would always be with their counterparts, regardless of how far away from a democratic republic their country is and alliances with these countries would always be a concern.
Muslims are not Muslim in name only. They do not separate their private Muslim life from their public secular life. They do not have a secular life. They are who they are at all times.
Christians can be professors without the possession of Salvation, without the knowledge of CHRIST, GOD nor the BIBLE. There are no repercussions within Christianity. We, Christians, tend to not be as careful to train up our new converts, They backslide or sin and we say nothing. We are not united in our socioeconomic standards and will not unite for our GOD for any reason, This is, of course, a gross generalization. But, when 80% of a country "says" it is Christian and allows the slaughter of babies in the womb, condones the sale of baby body parts procured from living human beings, think that redistribution of wealth is okay (stealing from a productive worker and giving to a nonproductive worker to level out the economic status of all), we can only say that 80% of us are Christian in name only.
If you call yourself a Christian and do not want to know the GOD of THE BIBLE and have absolutely NO interest in attending worship with GOD'S people, you are deluding yourself and that "fire insurance" you think you have to keep you out of Hell is null and void,

Dr. Ben Carson is right:

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

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