Friday, April 4, 2014

What Has Happened to the Church?

Putin is saying that Russia is on the side of GOD.  Russia is emerging as a "Pro-Family Leader" and defending Judeo-Christian values.  How can this be? 

Consider that "Russia is remaking itself as the leader of the anti-Western world" (from author Masha Gessen, who has written a book about Putin) and that this year the World Congress of Families VII will be held in Moscow, Sept 10-12 and then look closely at the state of the so-called Christian Church in the Western world. 

We (us Christians) are one sorry lot.  All of us?  Of course not.  There are a few bright and shining examples of Christianity out there.  Do I count myself among them?  HUH UH!!  Definitely NOT!  There are far too many times when I have witnessed my brother or sister in THE LORD about to fall in a ditch or caught up in sin and said absolutely nothing.  That is a HUGE sin.  Scripture plainly tells us to be either hot or cold for the lukewarm HE will spew out of HIS mouth.

Check this.  In the church's rush to increase numbers and thereby increase the coffers, sin is allowed in the church.  In those churches where alcohol is frowned upon and anything illegal is definitely a NO-NO, there are "secret sins" that are often overlooked and sometimes encouraged in order to not turn anyone against the church (which means run them off and lose their tithe).  Pornography is running rampant even among many deacons and church leaders.  Divorce in the so-called Christian community is as high as those who are un-churched. Other couples suffer in "silence" while their spouses beat them and terrorize the children.  Our dependence upon GOD and HIS ability to provide is solely dependent upon how well we think our own efforts are doing.

If our church, our congregation is exactly like the world or so much so that no one can really tell the difference, then where do the lost souls go in order to find someone who can actually point them to SALVATION?  I can tell you where they go.

They go to cults who are radically different.  They go anywhere BUT Christianity when they see no or very little difference between the Christian and Pagan idolators. 

So what really is our sin? 
"We don't drink. 
We don't smoke and we don't chew
and we don't go with those that do."

Pride?  No, we aren't proud of our works and all we have accomplished.  We give all credit to GOD.  Sure we do!

Envy?  NAH!  We are eternally grateful that anyone among us is successful and that others have been able to build large, fine church buildings.

Lust?  Why NO!  And that is for sure and certain!  Everyone keeps their own eyes on their own mate and no one has ever left their spouse to run off with another.  And everyone remains chaste until marriage because that's the way they were raised.

Anger?  Absolutely not!  We are all children of GOD and forgiveness rolls off our tongues and hearts with great ease even if we are highly offended.  And we act like adults and NEVER carry a grudge.  You can be proud of that!

Greed?  Why would we be greedy?  After all, our FATHER owns the cattle on a thousand hills and HE provides for all our needs.

Sloth?  NEVER!  We will work ourselves to death for our LORD and SAVIOR and we have the committees to prove it!

Gluttony?  Just how can you even ask?  We feed the poor and why, just last week we had our weekly fellowship with a pot luck supper.  And don't forget the anniversary and birthday celebrations with the cakes, cookies, potato salad, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, fried fish, french fries, lemon meringue pie, chocolate pie, deviled eggs, strawberry shortcake, German chocolate cake, better-than-sex cake, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, cheese balls, hamburgers, sweet potato pie, chocolate pie, cheesecake, chili, red beans and rice, ham, turkey, red velvet cake, pimento cheese, doritos, potato chips, corn chips, cheese dip, queso, chicken spaghetti, spaghetti and meatballs, double-stuffed cookies, creamed corn,12 bean salad, pound cake, Tostitos, hotdogs, cake mix cookies, homemade icecream, homemade rolls, cinnamon rolls, German potato salad, barbeque chicken, pot roast, potatoes, carrots, squash, an assortment of soda, sweet tea, unsweet tea, water and a green salad.  And you MUST eat some of what I brought or my feelings will get hurt.  Glad you came.  We have to do this again next week.  Oh wait, we are.  Don't forget to refill that pot.  Who in the world brought that green salad and those raw vegetables?  Don't she know how to cook?

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