Saturday, October 2, 2010

We Have No One to Blame but Ourselves and By The Way, This is a Republic!

What is the law for?  In general, the law is to protect the general citizen from those of no or limited moral values.  "They" say that you can not legislate morality.  I say that is a short-sighted self-serving view of what the law can and does do.  It really does legislate from a moral point of view.  While we may now live in an amoral society, the founders had a different idea. 

Primarily law is based upon some sort of religious foundation.  The laws in most of the Western civilization are based on the Judeo-Christian beliefs.  The Ten Commandments comprise the majority of our laws here in the United States.  Although the government has dispensed with the first 4 which refer to the worship and adoration of The Lord God Almighty, the others are intricately woven throughout the very fabric of our country. 

As we wander from the basic tenets of our roots, we find the social structure disintegrating and becoming infinitely more complicated.  Gray areas tend to muddy the waters rather than clarify. The politically correct climate creates an atmosphere of anxiety and distrust and promotes disharmony between groups of people.  Opinions can no longer be spoken openly because they fear reprisals from another group.

The ACLU has grown exponentially more powerful because of this climate of fear.  They prey on the populace's inability to be offended.  The circle of fear grows like a cancer subverting the foundation laid July 4, 1776.

They label the Constitution of the United States a "living" document.  (Pardon me while I giggle.  Have you ever seen a piece of paper breathe and when you cut it, does it bleed?")  The Constitution as it was written is a solid document.  It, like the Bible, does not change to suit whims and whimsies, which is probably what gets the left all knotted up. 

Unlike the Bible, it can be amended.  Presidents have found ways around the Constitution with the use of Executive Orders, the placement of judicial activists in the Supreme Court and other lesser courts throughout the country.  Our Constitution can also circumvented by making treaties and agreements with foreign powers, such as the UN, Interpol and the EU to allow them access as a police force within the United States borders.  Portions of our country may have been designated as World Sanctuaries under the guise of our National Parks and other areas. 

Are you paying attention?  Have you actually gotten off your butt, turned off the games and the TV and looked into what is going on?  You can find out a bit by going to the White House website and check out the Executive Orders if they still allow access to them when you read this.  You can find the list in the Briefing Room under Presidential Actions. 

Barak Obama has issued 67 Executive Orders since he has been in office.  I noticed that 2 are in Spanish.  Executive Orders are not necessarily made public, but they are available for the public to read after they are in effect.  He had made more than 200 Presidential Proclamations.  Judge for yourself what he is doing to circumvent the system and what type of agenda he believes in. 

This country, the United States of America, was never supposed to be a democracy.  Democracy, basically, is mob rule.  That means that whatever the majority of the mob wants it gets.  A Republic is different as during the process, statesmen (not politicians) are voted into office.  They have the best interests of the country at heart and while they listen to the voters, they vote their conscience.

The disconnect has come about due to the fact that the people (who have no idea what a republic is and do not care) refuse to vote in men and women of conscience and, instead, vote in those that can give them the most in return for getting their vote.  The decline of the country started when the people found out they could vote themselves "stuff".  The special interests have been piling higher and higher and that "War on Poverty" which we never won (the Lord said that the poor would be with us always) has become the "War on the Middle Class."   The really, truly wealthy remain wealthy (and always will) as the middle class becomes lost as the poverty level goes up and the Government taxes us into oblivion so they can give us 10% or less back to keep us voting for more stuff that the Government deems important to our health and well-being.

After all is said and done, we have no one to blame for the shape our country is in but ourselves.  The more we vote for our special little projects that benefit our little group, the bigger the deficit grows and the more power we give the Government to run our lives and the less power our country has to actually govern and protect the population.

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