Sunday, October 3, 2010

We Have Chosen to be Unfaithful

Unfaithful means to not adhere to vows, allegiance or duty according to "Merriam-Webster".  In general, this country has chosen to be unfaithful to the itself.  We have whored around with the beliefs and laws of other nations and become a travesty of our former glory. 

We have given up freedom to be safe and we deserve neither. It is to our dismay that we have become a caricature of that once great nation. 

"How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle!" An ancient phrase apropos for our time except we did not fall in battle. They will walk in, take over and we will not know what happened.

Do you remember studying "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" in high school?  If you are my age, you should.  If you are under the age of 40, you probably studied the "rise of rock and roll and its influence on American culture" or some other such foolishness.  The Roman Empire was spread across the known world.  Everyone at that time thought they ruled the entire world. 

What was the reason for their speedy decline?  They did not lose a huge war.  They lost because they lost themselves.  The family unit was trashed.  It became "legal" for everyone to do "what was right in their own eyes" and it destroyed them.   They got so busy having fun and getting more and more bizarre that they failed to pay attention to their own country disintegrating around them.  It was more important for their leaders to be following their own desires and lusts than it was to govern. 

Historically speaking, most countries do not last more than two or three hundred years.  If we paid any attention to history we might actually be trying to break that record by seeing why they failed and not do what they did.  We cannot do that.  Why?  Because we are insane.  For the past 75 years we have blindly followed the same road with little variance.  We are intent upon murdering our children in the womb, spending money that we do not have and promoting pornography and sexual perversion in the form of worthless movies and television.  And guess what?  We keep doing the same thing with more intensity and expecting different results.  That is the definition of insanity.

Our children and grand-children wandering around today, just want to be "happy."  A good 80% have no idea what liberty we have already lost because they have been indoctrinated in public school to accept the decline of liberty as a normal course of events in our ever changing world.  Don't you know that we are a member of the global community?  We have to be green or we are not good global citizens.  Our main goal is to take care of mother earth.  Human beings are a blight upon the earth that should be eradicated in order to allow the earth to evolve and follow its natural path.  

If you don't think that this is being pushed on children every day, just watch TV with them.  Pay attention to the message.  Get out the text books and help them with their homework and ask them if there are any books that they cannot bring home.   

You might be surprised and you might just get an added bonus of spending time with your children.  

Open your eyes.  Open your ears.  Pay attention to the message.  See what is going on out there.  Find out what the issues are and VOTE.  Vote your conscience and vote for people who will do the same for the good of the country.

The government should be providing for the national defense and it does not appear that this one task is even on their agenda.

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