Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We Get What We Deserve

A lot of people have their nickers in a knot because of the President, either because of who he is or because of what he has accomplished or NOT accomplished while he has been in office.  Guess what!  We got what we deserved.  When you either fail to pay attention or your apathy and indifference overwhelms the already overtaxed cranial matter, you get what you deserve by default.

There is a direct correlation between a lack of voter enthusiasm and the one who is elected to office.  The less enthusiasm on the part of the American public, the more likely the public is to get a man elected who is neither pro-American nor pro-capitalism.

When you think about it, assuming that any of us actually think, you realize that there is only one thing to do.  GET INVOLVED!  It is not that difficult to understand. 

There are those in the Christian community who think that any involvement in politics is tantamount to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic while it is sinking.  While there is a part of me that thinks that may be a superlative description of our country's status, the other part of me realizes that someone has to man the lifeboats and that is what our involvement should be. 

I believe that we must do all that we can to sound the alarm.  While we may be on the brink of destruction or even the Rapture, we should do whatever is in our power to turn the tide. 

Remember the story of the starfish?  The beach was just covered with starfish and a little girl was picking up one after another and putting them back in the ocean. 

A passerby asked her why she was doing that? 
She answered that she was saving them. 
The passerby chuckled and told her that she could not possibly return but a small number compared to the huge number stranded on the beach and that it really would not matter.
Her answer to him was simple. "It matters to the ones I save."

So, what do we do?  Do we rearrange the deck chairs or do we man the lifeboats?

If we do not man the lifeboats then we go down with the rest who have no clue.  Only one more question.  Are you clueless or gutless?  Sometimes you just have to do something.  You have to take a deep breath and take that first step. 

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