Friday, October 8, 2010


It was said many years ago that if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.  It is all part of what makes up your character.  Character is what we have when there is no one around to see.  Scripture has many things to say about a person's good character.

Back in the old days, when a handshake was all that was needed, a man or woman was judged solely upon his or her character.  People knew who could be trusted and who was of ill repute.  In today's society that line between bad and good character has become a muddy lagoon.  The idea that if it does not hurt anyone or you simply don't get caught, whatever you do is fine is prevailing in every day life; the professional and business world; and in churches of all shapes and sizes.

There are agreements made daily to meet a friend at a certain time, but invariably one or the other is late or never shows up.  It is a small thing, but is a public showing of what one's character truly is - uncaring for someone's time and in general, rude.

Businesses daily do things such as pay someone cash when they should have a payroll check.  That is called fraud.  It shows a lack of character and disdain for laws and regulations.  They also pay workers as a contract when the regulations state the person should be an employee.  This way, they pay no benefits and no taxes.  It shows a disregard for the people who work for them.

A business will also lay someone off, then pay them cash on the side if they come in and work their regular job.  They encourage employees to do illegal things and wonder why other employees are cheating on their time.

Businesses violate safety standards in order to speed up production and it shows a total lack of care for their employees.  They promote an aura of indifference for the employees health and well-being.  It is a travesty that someone will pay for with his limbs or his life.  So what, there are plenty more that need a job. 

They sell things for cash so they pay no sales tax.  They think no one will ever know.  They skew their purchases so it looks like it was a part used in manufacturing rather than pay full sales tax.  The employees won't tell because they need their job and they fear reprisal.  Business owners will buy hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment and parts for their own personal use and the business pays for it.  Oh, it was delivered to the business, but was never used for business purposes. 

The catch phrase "how will they (tax entities) find out?"  becomes the mantra they live by. 

The management teams try to use illegal means to force employees to do things by withholding their paychecks when legal means would accomplish quicker results.  They cover up and lie and cheat and steal and if anyone speaks out, they are terminated using trumped up charges. 

They force older and disabled workers out using torment and verbal comments that they think will never be refuted.  They can lie and say they never said that.  They forget that most of their employees do have a brain and have not gone in empty handed to meetings.  They fail to acknowledge that electronic recording devices come in miniature sizes and can be hidden anywhere on any person. 

They will one day be caught and will suffer the consequences of their arrogance.  There is a courtroom and a jail cell waiting.  They think that because they brought the marbles and they own the land, that they can play the game anyway they chose.   The problem is that more know about what they have done than they ever could know.

Their arrogance will be their pitfall.  "Pride goeth before a fall" - that you can be sure of.  Pity the fool who claims to be a Christian and acts like the Devil himself.  You will know them by their fruits and their fruits they are a stinkin'!

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