Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reality - What Is It Really?

There is much confusion these days about what truth is.   There was even a President in the United States who was confused about the meaning of the word "is."  Only history will tell whether it was his escapades or his lack of ability that he will be known for.

There are those who believe that truth is whatever you want it to be.  That is simply insane.  If that were true there is no need for mental hospitals, nor psychiatrists, nor the drugs that help people to focus on the real world.

As I sit day after day watching the blather that marches across the liquid crystal display, it occurs to me that there truly could be a misinterpretation of reality.  The shows have been transformed from basic pure fictional half-hour to hour to 2 hour long Reality Shows.  Are they truly real?  Just how real can it be to have cameramen follow you around and have cameras in every room of the house?  Do you finally forget that they are there?

But how real is reality anyway?  We have someone who follows us around where no camera can go.  How do we act?  Do we act as though no one sees?  Do we go through our daily routine without a thought for those who watch us?  Is what we are experiencing real or are we simply lying in a coma in some room playing out a dream or a nightmare of reality?

Sometimes I wonder.  As a child, I read science fiction and lost myself among the space travelers on far away worlds.  I escaped with "Stranger in a Strange Land" because the real world was full of despair, molestation, vulgarity, profanity, verbal fights, alcoholism, divorce, fist fights and all manner of violent behavior.  I escaped with "Methuselah's Children."  There was time to correct bad behavior and that was what I needed.  I needed to believe that there was a way to correct all the violent behavior and those peculiar idiosyncrasies that caused perceptions to become blurred and right, wrong, real and imagined became meshed together where there were no boundaries.

Church and preaching had become just another way for Satan to do his dirty work.  There was no way that I was going to believe some preacher.  He was just another man talking about things he had no heart for and did not believe.

I knew preachers that spoke of fire and brimstone and listened to them talk about the love of God, a God they did not even appear to know nor care about.  I even walked past one who called me a whore (using an old Biblical term) and mentioned that I was one of those women to be avoided.

The reality of the Scriptures had been twisted.  Half truths were told and embellished to suit the desires of the one doing the preaching.  I was 42 when I finally got the TRUTH.  I finally got it.  I finally understood that it was not what some man was saying, but it was right from the mouth of GOD. 

I finally knew the TRUTH and it did indeed set me free!

The reality is that this earth is in meltdown mode.  Right is wrong.  Wrong is right.  Evil is good.  Good is evil.  It is everyone for himself.  The love of many is waning.  The sick, the old, and the handicapped are being discarded like empty soda cans.  The love of GOD has its place in the church and only the church, if even there.  Governments promote their own agenda without much thought for the true welfare of the people.  Politicians are in it for their own power struggles and fame and fortune.  The welfare of the people and the furtherance of virtue is far from their mind.

I know one thing for sure and for certain.  GOD is love.  GOD is Truth.  GOD is in charge.  GOD's Will be done.  It (whatever it may be) will go as GOD wills it.  Evil will not prevail.  Jesus of Nazareth was a real person.  HE was the Son of GOD.  HE was born and HE died for my sins.  HE rose from the grave.  HE sits at the right hand of GOD.  Yes, I said one thing but all of these things are from One Source.  They all come from GOD ALMIGHTY and they are all TRUE.

The reality is that there is ONE GOD and only ONE way to GOD.  Read the Bible.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

1 comment:

  1. Well said...That is the absolute truth. God is the absolute truth !!!!
