Friday, June 17, 2011

I Don't Know Where It Went!

It used to be the thing to do - make fun of women who overspent their husband's income.  Then women started making their own money.

Now we make fun of the leaders of the United States because they seem to think that the wallet is open and there is an endless supply of money.  They are much like the cartoon wife of prior decades "stealing" money from the sleeping husband's wallet.  The supposition is that he will not know where it has gone.

The American public is sleeping with its wallet open while our fearless leaders "steal" it from us thinking we will not know that it is gone. 

Well, the message here is this.  SURPRISE!!!!  You have been caught.  The wallet contains only a pittance of what you have overspent.  There is no more coming.  So suck it up.  Tighten your belts.  Eat slimmer.  Quit subsidizing everything.  Let the chips fall where they may. 

I am not wealthy.  But, I would like to be.  I do not want the wealthy taxed out of existence.  I would like to think that one day, I could be in their shoes.  I do not make jobs for anyone, but the people that I know who have money do.  They have businesses and factories.  They employ people.

All those elitists who cry out against the wealthy are just that!  They are wealthy and probably not ready to give up their own wealth, but want others to do so.  I really do not care if someone makes a million dollars a month and gets to keep it.  They rarely do keep it.  They spend it.  Spending it makes jobs. 

The government CANNOT make jobs.  It makes bureaucracy.  It increases debt.  It can only spend.  It creates no viable product for sale.  It is a government.  Government is supposed to protect the borders, provide for the common defense and little more.  All the agencies and commissions and studies and Executive Orders and all the rest is nothing more than government control.  It is no more than a UNION gone mad.

You all have a lovely day.  I am through with my ranting.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

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