Tuesday, September 4, 2012



ELOHIM......Genesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1
meaning "God", a reference to God's power and might.
ADONAI......Malachi 1:6
meaning "Lord", a reference to the Lordship of God.
JEHOVAH--YAHWEH.....Genesis 2:4
a reference to God's divine salvation.
meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier"
JEHOVAH-ROHI......Psalm 23:1
meaning "The Lord my shepherd"
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH.......Ezekiel 48:35
meaning "The Lord who is present"
JEHOVAH-RAPHA.........Exodus 15:26
meaning "The Lord our healer"
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU......Jeremiah 23:6
meaning "The Lord our righteousness"
JEHOVAH-JIREH.........Genesis 22:13-14
meaning "The Lord will provide"
JEHOVAH-NISSI.........Exodus 17:15
meaning "The Lord our banner"
JEHOVAH-SHALOM........Judges 6:24
meaning "The Lord is peace"
JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH......Isaiah 6:1-3
meaning "The Lord of Hosts"
JEHOVAH-GMOLAH........Jeremiah 51:6
meaning "The God of Recompense"
EL-ELYON..............Genesis 14:17-20,Isaiah 14:13-14
meaning "The most high God
EL-ROI................Genesis 16:13
meaning "The strong one who sees"
EL-SHADDAI............Genesis 17:1,Psalm 91:1
meaning "The God of the mountains or God Almighty"
EL-OLAM...............Isaiah 40:28-31
meaning "The everlasting God"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WOE IS MEE!!!!!!!

There are people on Facebook who whine for help and play the "poor me" card, saying, "NOBODY wants to help me!" or "NOBODY LOVES ME!" They even protest vehemently about about how people take advantage of them and how "NOBODY EVER" even "TRIES" to help them.  "NO-body wants to hire me!"  "NO-body wants to give me a chance."  "I just need to check out now!"  and on and on.  "NO one wants a good man/woman like me". 

I have seen other posts on this same subject (woe is me, no one understands this pity party I'm having).  They rant and rave or they expose their quiet despair with a hang-dog expression.  I've probably thrown my own pity party.  It's generally not on line.

So, if they are related to you, you love them, want the best for them and try to help.  Unfortunately, they probably DON'T want the kind of help you have to give, particularly if you are a CHRISTIAN.  Why not?  Right away they know you stand for something that they are NOT ready to embrace.  Immediately they feel judged.  Whether or not you have ever said it, they KNOW you would tell them to get off the drugs, quit messing around sexually, and they KNOW that you would tell them the only way to do that is to have a relationship with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  At least that last part is true. You would tell them they need JESUS (if you haven't already).

Okay, so what's the problem?  GOD.  The problem is not with others, not with me or you, not with their family or lack thereof.  The problem is with GOD.  They do not have HIM in their life.  Even if they claim to be a "Christian" they do not read their BIBLE daily, if ever.  They pray when things get tough or they really, really want something.  Then they think GOD doesn't care because HE doesn't answer their prayers.  They want GOD to come when they beckon and give them what they want, otherwise, they want nothing to do with HIM.  Some even insist HE doesn't exist, that is until they have an emergency.

What should you do?  Obviously they don't want your help so all you can do is pray for them to come to their senses and get saved and know the PEACE that comes with a true relationship with THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  AND if by a miracle from GOD, they call you or message you, tell them the truth.  Tell them about GOD's love for them and how HE sent HIS ONLY SON to die on the Cross at Calvary for their sins.  If GOD brings them that far, HE will bring them the rest of the way.


Monday, May 28, 2012

I just have to get a job and leave this place!

I grew up in a small town in Virgina and when I was a teenager, I hated it!  I couldn't wait to leave.  I even got married to someone who was in the Army so I could leave town.  NOT a good reason to get married.

I left town all right!.  I was gone for about 2 months.  I caught him in a bar with his hand on someone else's property and I left him.  Guess where I went!  Yep!  I got on that Trailways Bus with all my belongings and headed back to Mom's house. 

Then I got a job and decided that if I was stuck in that town I would try to make the best of it.  It wasn't too long after that I decided that I really did need to leave town.  I managed to get into all kinds of difficult situations and finally decided that leaving town was my only hope of starting over.  So, I headed west.

I thought going to a new town was THE answer.  Things went well for a while, but the problems started again.  That taught me something.  It wasn't the town that was the problem.  It was ME.

Trouble didn't have to "follow" me.  I packed it up very carefully in boxes labeled 'FRAGILE" and toted it with me.  A change of venue was not the answer.  I had to change ME or I would not be happy anywhere!

Through my travels and all, I wound up in Washington, DC.  At each stop I managed to leave a portion of my woes behind.  Some of the lessons were easily learned.  Others, not so much.

I kept moving back to Virginia, to that same small town.  Eventually, most of the bad history was gone or the participants were no longer above ground.  I could walk through town without running into one of those people from my past.  Or so I thought.

Ever have one of these moments?  My mother and I were in a hardware store when a man came up to me and said, "Hey!  How ya doing?

"Do I know you?"

"Yeah!  We dated for awhile!"

My mind was racing as I tried to think.  Who is this man?  He doesn't even look like someone I would have dated.  Except, maybe... No that's not him.

I pretended to remember. Asked him about his wife and children.  Exchanged pleasantries and had a sudden memory of a task that needed to be completed or an important appointment we were late for.

As we left the store, my mother said, "You don't know who he is, do you?"

"Nope!  Can't say that I do!" 

(And this is just one reason why GOD arranged marriages in Bible days.  And many reason why virginity until marriage is a good thing.)

The problem with leaving town is taking it with you.  No matter how fast you run.  No matter how far you run.  There you are.  It may be more difficult to change within some situations, but that is where change needs to take place.  And a word to the wise (the un-wise won't listen anyway) don't post your personal problems on Facebook.  That mess is definitely going to follow you wherever you go!  If you think relatives and friends have long memories, cyberspace lasts long after everyone involved is long dead and forgotten.

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

We have a gift for you!

What's with this?

"We have a gift for you!  30% off a year's membership!"

Okay, maybe I'm old school, but I thought a gift was something you didn't have to do anything for!  If I have to buy something to get it, then it's not a gift.  If they really wanted me to have a "gift" they could have just sent me a dollar in the mail.

The funny part about it is that this particular "gift" was for the purchase of some "good-for-you brain games" that are designed to enhance your cognitive powers.  I am going to assume that I am not in need of brain games since I figured this out.

There is only one truly FREE gift and that is the gift that GOD offers each and everyone of us.  It is the gift of Salvation.  Only one drop of blood from the Messiah would have been enough to cleanse us of our sins, but HE didn't stop with one drop, HE gave it all.  My Savior gave HIS all for a stiff-necked, perverse people who did not even want HIM.  I was one of those.

I was one of those until I saw it!  I saw my sins nailed to HIS cross and I finally accepted what HE had done for me.  HE rescued me from the pit of Hell and HE clothed me in HIS Righteousness!

HIS Grace is within me now and I grow closer to HIM every day!

All I can say is, "THANK YOU, LORD!!  THANK YOU for dying for me!"

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

Monday, March 26, 2012

I think quite highly of myself, and I should!


The CREATOR of the Universe created me.  HE, JEHOVAH GOD ALMIGHTY, created me as a totally unique individual.  HE created me perfect in all ways.  It was only through sin entering the world that my Spirit became imperfect and full of sin.  

HE provided a way out of that predicament by sending HIS only SON, born of Mary (a human woman), to live for the sole purpose of dying a horrible death on the CROSS to pay a debt that I could not pay.  When HE rose from the grave, triumphant over sin and the grave, my Spirit was reunited with GOD. 

Now, if my body and soul will just line up with that, I will be fine.  It will, of course, happen but in the meantime the struggle to be all that I can be continues.  

HE sends us the tools, puts us in the proper place and it is up to us to listen to HIS Voice or continue wandering aimlessly.  I am choosing to follow HIS Voice and HIS direction.

May GOD Bless you and keep you!

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

According to GOD - Worthy of Honor

According to GOD, I, as a parent am worthy of honor.  In spite of the FACT that I was not a particularly honorable parent.  There is no greater frustration than knowing that, as a parent, I should have done better.  Quite frankly, I could have done better.  I was too busy taking care of myself, my needs, my desires, my wants.

If there were any bits of advice or wisdom I could impart to parents of young children, it would be this.  If, in your heart, you know you are not being the best you can be for your children or you are not making the proper sacrifices, change now!

What is being the best you can be as far as parenting goes?  Being the best parent means making those hard choices.  It means NOT giving your children the latest, greatest most powerful game or electronic toy to occupy their time.  

It means teaching them by close association with them.  Training them to be a GODLY man or woman.  Allowing them to enjoy the moment they have as a child but helping them to put away childish things as they mature.  Encouraging their maturity and rejoicing with them through their milestones.  It means that you do not listen to the social engineers and the Femmi-Nazi's that rail against the norms established by GOD HIMSELF.  It means that you do not rely upon a government entity to tell you to bring your baby from the delivery room to the daycare so he/she can be "properly raised" in a gender neutral environment and indoctrinated in the government's  newest "politically correct" attitude free from the messy ideas of morality and a knowledge of GOD.

Hitler believed that if he could get the youth for just one generation, he would own the Germany.  He did and he did.  He also believed that if you watered down Christianity to make it palatable to the masses, you could change the law to allow the killing of the infirm, of the unwanted, of the undesirables.  He did and he did.  

"It's the economy, stupid!"  That was the rallying cry for Bill Clinton's second term in office, if I remember correctly.  What he and others who think like him fail to understand is when the family disintegrates and the social structure is demolished so is the economy.  Just eliminate 40 or 50 million people and their descendants from the payroll equation and you no longer have a self-paying Social Security program.  Which of those millions could have discovered the cure for something like Cancer, AIDS or maybe toe fungus?  And what about the discoveries that might have been made?  A totally free and renewable energy source would have been good.  OR, maybe a way to feed the world's hungry?  How about a cure for Alzheimer's?    

Did we destroy peace-makers along with the war-mongers?  Of course we did!  We created this society of death and destruction and instituted a scorched earth policy in order to allow our darkest deeds to go unchallenged.  We say nothing.  We raise our children to "make up their own minds" regarding GOD, which only gives the opposition free reign to indoctrinate our children with "tolerance" for everything and a belief in nothing but self.

Living under the delusion that you do not want to "brainwash" your child you fail to arm them with the only thing that will protect them and guide them.  Not wanting to be labeled a fanatic, you forgo religious indoctrination for the T-Ball and Softball fields.  Soon it becomes obvious that it is not necessary to be so immersed in Sunday School or Church activities and you become oblivious to the pleadings of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Grieving THE SPIRIT is not difficult and gets easier as time goes on.  While THE SPIRIT groans within you, missing the communion with THE LORD, missing the fellowship with other Believers. 

As the child grows without the benefit of the protection of THE HOLY SPIRIT, it becomes easier for the mind of the child to be filled with false doctrine and intoxicating spirits.  The lure of the world is strong and without the help of THE HOLY SPIRIT, it is nearly impossible to resist fleshly and worldly desires.

Be with your child.  Train you child.  Take your child to Church, don't just "send" them to Sunday School.  Read Scripture to them and with them.  Study the BIBLE stories and fill them with the Blessed Hope of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST and HIS Sacrifice on THE CROSS OF CALVARY.

That is our HOPE.  That is the only way we can truly be worthy of honor as parents.

Shalom!  Pray for THE PEACE of Jerusalem! 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

But I didn't

34 Years ago I was pregnant. I did not have a college degree and neither did my husband. We lived in a shack of a house on the bad side of town. There were those who thought that having a baby at that time was inconvenient since we could not "afford" to have one. 

We had no medical insurance and I had to sit in the "free" welfare clinic seen by the same doctors that the women with insurance would see in their nice clean office just a few blocks away. We could not give our child anything that I had wanted to give a child. I could have had an abortion. 

But I didn't. 

There was not a day that went by that I wished things were different sitting in that nasty waiting room. There were those who still said, "you can fix that 'mistake'." 

But I didn't. 

My husband was terrified of becoming a father. Instead of giving in to his fear as I had done in a previous marriage, I steeled myself for the trials to come. I could have given up. 

But I didn't. 

I had a wonderful pregnancy. I absolutely glowed with anticipation of the new life within me. I could have gotten depressed over what I was missing and what we could not give this child. 

But I didn't. 

I had our baby. He was so wonderful. He was cute. He was the best thing that I had ever done in my life. I would not trade his life for a piece of paper on the wall that said I spent years to get a degree so I could work at a job I 'love" and retire with an immense IRA or 401K or investment portfolio. I could have spent years regretting my "choice". 

But I didn't! 

My son will be 34 in just a few weeks. I imagine he and his wife are also glad that I didn't.

Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!