Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Four Muslims Behead Cat in Sweden

Where is the outrage from PETA, from the ASPCA?  Never hear anything in their cries for more money about the senseless slaughter of animals by muslims for sheer sport and training for the really big atrocities.

I'm posting this for 2 reasons.
1. It is something that happened in 2013.  This crap, this supposed holy war has been going on for nearly 1,400 years.  This is ongoing and as long as they believe their ultimate goal is to convert the entire world by whatever means at their disposal, it will continue.

2. It is animal abuse.  This post is extremely graphic.  It is not a video.  It is a collection of still shots that these evil, Satan-filled devils posted. 

You may think that it isn't a human being, so what.  This is how they are trained to react to death and dismemberment.  The lack of any emotion except joy in the murder of innocents is typical and continues with the murder, the slaughter, of children and whoever does not believe in their vile, satanic and twisted idea of a god who exacts revenge upon his followers; followers who bow down 5 times a day to swear allegiance and revenge upon the infidels.

Four Muslims Behead Cat in Sweden

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