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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

To be at war or not to be at war? That is the question.

Any reasonable human being with enough cognitive power to know what their name is and that when they look in a mirror and know they see themselves will say, "Yes, we are at war."

It is unfortunate that some leaders have their heads stuck so far up the sand pile they no longer see the reality that is before them.

While we may not want to be at war (and really, who does?). the fact remains we are.  We did not declare it.  We did not go provoking it.  We did not want it.

There was an open declaration of war against the United States of America on May 10, 1801.  That declaration of war has never been rescinded.  There have been long periods of non-aggression, but that does not change the fact that we have been at war with this faction of terrorists since 1801.  The names have changed, but the methodology and the weapon of choice have not.  They have added modern weapons to their arsenal, but their acts of terror and their barbarism have virtually remained the same.

To say that we are not at war is ludicrous.   When a factor declares war on us and attacks us, we are at war.  Like it or not, we are there.  They are here and we must be vigilant.  There will be no reasoning with this Satan-inspired enemy.  They are intent upon destroying us and all that we are because we represent freedom.  We represent all that is good, in their eyes, and that just infuriates them.

Be vigilant.  Be aware.  Be safe.

Shalom.  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem.

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