Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Bug Flew Up My Nose

At least it was not in a public place.  It was at home in front of the computer.  There was no one to watch me trying to get that thing out of my nose.

It reminded me of how Satan sends little things to trip us up.  The flat tire you get on your way to Church, or the platter of deviled eggs that spills on the way in to the neighbor's home, or the car that cuts you off on your way to work, any of these things can set you up for an ill temper.  They can ruin your day or set you up for failure if you allow it.

What the Devil knows is that when the big things happen, you turn to the Lord for help.  It's the little things that he uses to knock you down and ruin your testimony.  These are the little foxes in the vineyard that rip away at you bit by bit.  You barely notice the first few nips.  It isn't until they start hurting deeply and that pencil lead breaking sends you into tears or into a rage that you finally realize that something is wrong.

There is only one way to insure that these little things do not wear you down and that is to depend upon the Lord in all things, not simply the deaths and job losses, but the toe-stubbers and the hang-nails as well.

If you are close to the Lord always through the small things, you will have less trouble.  He tells us that we must be faithful in the small things before we are entrusted with the larger things.  The parable of those who are given the ruler's money to care for, where one was given one coin and he hid it in the ground giving it neither increase nor decrease.  He was rebuked for his distrust of the Master and lost what he had.

How often do we show our lack of faith and our distrust of The Messiah?  We hold our own opinions and feelings above His Word, above His Promise.

When did you first turn away?  Was it when you did not read His Word that first day after years of faithful reading?  Was it when that Elder's wife first gossiped about you, or was it to you and you listened?

It really does not matter when it was or what happened to cause it.  He has forgiven you.  He died upon the cross to forgive you of that and all the other sins you have committed.  When you accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, He forgave you.  Your sins were washed away by His Supreme Sacrifice on the Cross at Golgatha.  He loves you.  He died for you.  You cannot outdo nor out give The Messiah, Yeshua, The Christ, The Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth.

You can only run back to Him, ask for the Forgiveness that He has already given you and be content with The Lord.  He is The Peace that passes understanding.


1 comment:

  1. Good Post. If we ask, we will receive; if we seek, we shall find. If we knock, it shall be opened unto us.

    Thanks be to YHWH for your post today.

    shalom In Yahshua.
