Wednesday, December 22, 2010

One of America's Heros

I do not recall ever meeting this man, but I may have.  One of my step-fathers worked at the National Bank of Washington so I very well could have had the pleasure of this gentle little man telling me things were "veddy good".  I have no idea when I cut out this clipping or what newspaper it came from.  I found it while sorting through some of my odd piles of "stuff to go through later."

At a time when people stay an average of less than seven years at one job location, it is amazing to know that one man stayed at his post for 66 years.   In a day when youth is venerated and the older worker is discarded in favor of the "innovative" ways of the young, it was refreshing to note that the employer chose not to throw away a faithful worker thirty years prior to his retirement.  It may even cause some to wonder, "Why is there mandatory retirement anyway?"  It only serves to reinforce the idea that after a certain age, you are no longer useful to society.

It was a truly heartwarming story and it is worth passing on.   He truly lived life to the fullest.

1 comment:

  1. A footnote on the world.....the way it use to be. Employers would value and care about their employees. The employee would do an honest days work for an honest days pay; would be loyal, diligent and true.....Where has it all gone?

    Pamela, thanks again for finding this story; we younger folk need stories like these to help us to appreciate the truer values of life.

    Shalom In Messiah,

