Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sometimes I want to be a Carpenter (revised 2/4/12)

I made a recording of the text.  It follows pretty close with the written text.  

I have a new project going. YAAYY!  

Sometimes I get these crazy ideas that it would be fun to do manual labor. And for the most part it is fun because I don't have to do it to eat. I have worked in an office for more than 30 years and worked with computers for most of that time.

The first job I ever had, other than babysitting, was working in a hospital laundry. I made $1.00 per hour. What I remember most about the job is not how hot it was or how heavy the wet laundry was, but how cruel my co-workers were. I remember it, not because they were cruel to me, but it was their cruelty to one woman that stuck out.

I can still picture her standing there trying to work and ignore their crude, callous remarks. There was nothing particularly outstanding about her. She was not oozing with ugly nor was she strikingly beautiful. She had a teased up hairdo. Her makeup was just a bit heavy. She liked that eyeliner. She wore red lipstick and her clothes were just a bit too tight. Her persecutors were somewhat younger, but were no more striking than she. But their ugly grew like a cancer right down to the bone with each passing day.

One day the youngest of the trio, came in with obviously too much rouge on her cheeks and the others just cackled. It was the whispers, snickers and eye-rolling and their crudeness that made working there unbearable. After while if the object of their persecution had any flaws, I didn't see them. I began to focus on their warts and wonder why they did what they did. Why did they get such perverse pleasure out of tormenting another?

The job lasted through the summer and after I left I worked as a waitress in several places and made really good tips, but wanted something more or something different. I sang in a bar in Lawton OK one night. It was a country bar and I was singing folk songs. They were drunk and I was wishing I was. When they looked like they were going to start throwing stuff, I thanked them, smiled sweetly and made a well-timed exit.

I eventually made my way east. Found out I liked working in offices and in one way or another with some time spent in College up and down the east coast, I worked in offices, managed offices, set up offices and Policies and Procedures until I decided to move to Mississippi and spend almost 17 years doing what I did best, working in an office and on computers.

My hobbies have consisted of doing anything that required some type of creativity. When I was in high school, besides wanting to become a nuclear physicist, I was a pretty good artist. I even got paid for some of my work. Now, I piddle. I doodle.

I always liked what other people did with wood. Carving it into intricate shapes or making furniture. Once in high school, I carved a fish out of 2x4's glued together. It wasn't very good and was probably burned up or used for target practice. I was always intrigued when my mother brought some old piece of chicken poop encrusted furniture home to clean up and use in the house.

This brings me to my new thought of working with wood and my new project.

About 1985 I purchased a bedroom suite when I moved to the Boston area. Since that time I have moved several times and since it was made of that modern invention called particle board, most of it has been long gone. I managed to save a night stand intact and the 6 drawers from the dresser. Yep, I saved the drawers.

At one point in time, I made 3 cabinets out of 1/2" plywood and each cabinet had 2 drawers. I could stack them or put them side by side for a bench. 1/2" plywood is not very sturdy so those also went by the wayside after a couple of years use, but I still saved the drawers. Uh huh! Still had the drawers.

Well, push has come to shove and in trying to clear things out, I had to make a decision - either lose the drawers or build another dresser. Since I had some 5/8" oak plywood from another project that didn't quite make it, I decided to use that to make the dresser. So, from scraps and leftover wood, I am finally going to make something useful.

Last week I rough cut my dresser sides and some of the other parts. This week I sanded and cut them to fit my design. I don't know if I'll get it done before the end of the year, but who knows? I may even post some pictures showing my progress.

I have discovered that although the table saw scares me every time I use it, I don't have to cut anything off if I'm careful.

<  I used the Kreg Jig to make the connections.  This is a picture of what they look like before screwing the 2 pieces of wood together.

This is all put together with a Kreg Jig and the screws that come with the Jig.  I have really liked working with it.  It is really easy to do.  >>>>> 

The photo to the left shows the positioning of the drawers.  This was a rough fit.  Because I was not using any kind of pattern, it took a while to get everything to fit just right.

I haven't quite figured out how to get these photos where I want them, but this is okay.   I still need to cut a piece of Luan (we have that) to cover the back and plane down a couple of trim pieces to go on the front down each side and it will match the trim piece on the top.  I painted it with a coat of undercoat specifically for unpainted wood.  I then painted it with 2 coats of an off-white.  Followed with 1 coat of water based polyurethane.  I lightly sanded with 320 sandpaper in between each coat.  It gives a much smoother surface when you sand between coats.  It is far from perfect, but since I only spent about $15.00 for additional screws and trim, it was well worth it to have a large dresser for $15.00.

In addition to job hunting every week in Tylertown, MS, I do like to do other things. 
Shalom! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We are not at war.  We have food to throw away.  Our relatives are not being dragged out of the house and told to live in squalor so someone of their choosing can live in their home or just so it can be demolished.  We are not being shot because we are different. Or lame.  Or old.  Or Christian.  At least not in the United States of America.

There are those who would change that through whatever means at their disposal.  While there are those who will wile it away by simply sitting back and watching, all the while saying, "It won't happen here.  It won't happen to me.  It won't happen to our town.  It won't happen to our state.  It won't happen to our country." 

There was someone who said after World War 2:
When they came for the sick and the mentally ill, I said nothing.
When they came for the degenerates, I said nothing.
When they came for the Jews, I said nothing.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak.

It wasn't an exact quote, but you get the idea.  I am watching "The Pianist."  They kept thinking it could not get any worse.  What freedoms must we lose before we realize it IS getting worse?  Must history be doomed to repeat itself or can we heed the warnings and stave off the inevitable.  I say inevitable because we, the unruly mob of unrest in the land of plenty have no idea to what we aspire.  We languish in our own whining only to become that which we abhor.  We occupy things that are not ours and offer vain and perilous resistance to something that doesn't even exist.  Wall Street is a place NOT a person nor a business.

Get a plan.  Understand what you are kicking against and find a constructive way to deal with the unrest.  Try for a positive result.  Yes, there is greed and political shenanigans.  There always has been.  Read a few history books.  The BIBLE even shows what greed and political garbage can lead to.  So, it is nothing new.  Get over it and deal with it.

Life isn't fair and never has been.  Hard work doesn't guarantee anything except good character.  There has never been a guarantee!  It rains and shines on everyone.

It is only what you do with your particular circumstances that counts.  It is your perspective that counts.  The wind blows on everyone.  It is only the set of the sails that makes the difference.  Don't look at destroying what someone else has because you are full of angst and think no one understands. 

Remember that the only one that you can change is yourself.  You cannot change the world or your country or your city or your family without starting closer to home.  You have to change yourself.  Don't ask for fewer challenges.  Ask for more wisdom to handle the challenges you have.

Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Dream Job Course

Dream Job Course

Dream today!

Don't quit dreaming!

Find that GOD given talent and be all that GOD has made you to be.

Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lest we forget.

Lest we forget.  We will soon repeat history. (Source: Wikipedia)

Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

If we got real, would they believe?

We want the youth to venerate the hoary head, but what incentive do the have to do so?

We hide our age in order to look young again and many times wind up looking foolish. We dye our hair in shades we never saw within our youth. We cover wrinkles or stretch them tight or maybe fill them with carnuba wax. We hide our mistakes, those experiences that were to be used to teach the young and pretend our lives were filled with only pretty things and happy times.

If we awoke one day, wrinkled and gray,
And told of times not too long ago;
Would it keep the young from going astray?
Would it be possible to tell them what we know?

To admit to them that once we were young and foolish;
To admit to them that we once were filled with spit and vinegar;
To admit our chastity was frayed, torn and foolish;
To admit that we drank from the bitter pills of lust and anger?

To tell of dreams we once had?
To tell of aspirations gone bad?
To tell of love fleeting and lost?
To tell of love stolen and past?

To tell of conquering fear of the unknown?
To tell of living on the edge of the town?
To tell of giving more than we had?
To tell of loving enough to let go?

To tell of poems written on the sly?
To tell of a gift that would never return?
To tell of a heart that never said goodbye?
To tell of a Saviour Who would never leave?

If we got real, would they believe?
Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Tipping Point!

I just had an epiphany!  For years I wondered what that moment in time was that turned me away from being a "good girl" into a wild thing that didn't care who, what, when or where. That moment that changed my life happened a day or two after my high school graduation.

You realize, of course, that I am 62 years old and quite frankly I would have thought I would have figured this out many years ago. BUT, I didn't. BUT, now I have. 
That moment I have remembered so vividly for 44 years never clarified itself until this moment. All through school nothing I ever did was good enough.  I got A's and B's but even when I got an A, it should have been an A+.  All through high school I took courses that groomed me for that glorious day when I would FINALLY walk out of that misery and into college and a new life.  I had struggled to keep my nose and everything else clean and would finally go to college and begin a new life.

A day or 2 after graduation, my mother and my step-father came out to the front yard where I was working on something and they wanted to talk to me.

And here is what he said, "Your mother and I don't have the money to send you to college..." and he paused.  In that pause, however brief it may have been, I thought about the College that had accepted my application and would get me a job to help me pay for tuition.  I wasn't stupid.  I knew they had no means to pay my college tuition.

Before I could speak, he continued, "We thought you'd get pregnant and drop out. We just never thought you'd graduate."

I have told that much of the story before, but somehow had never realized what they had done to me, or rather what I allowed that moment in time to do to me.  I was speechless.  My whole life was suddenly a lie.  The dirt under my fingernails was suddenly worth more than this piece of flesh called, Pam.

It was that moment that told me that every time my mother told me I could do better, she really didn't mean it.  She had never believed it.   It was just something she said because mothers were supposed to say that.  I suddenly became even more worthless than moments before.  The dreams I had of going to college ruptured and bled out on the sidewalk like a huge brain aneurism.

My last hope was to join the Navy and settle for what I could get.  Three months later I went for my physical and had to spend the night in a hotel.  I was raped in the hotel.  My first intimate encounter and it just had to be that way.  I was too ashamed to tell anyone and I thought I deserved it.  
During the physical the next morning, the doctor saw it and called the female recruiter to show her.  I got dressed and she told me that the Navy was not the right place for me and I was rejected.  The why was never mentioned.  No one wanted to ask me what had happened.  I put my High School diploma and my Beta Club certificate in my suitcase and left.
That was the tipping point.  I was worthless to everyone and I might as well get used to it.  Anyone could do anything to me and it was okay.  I could be used, abused and thrown away and no one cared, not even me.

It took me almost 25 years, 2 psychiatrists, 3 counselors, a psychologist, years of therapy and lots of crappy living to realize one solid thing.  I never needed my mother nor my step-father nor anyone else to lift me up.

What I needed was THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!  Then my life fell into place.   It made sense.   I was worthwhile to GOD ALMIGHTY and what the rest of the world and everyone in it thought didn't matter a whit!  As long as I please GOD, the rest of the world can jolly well dance.

Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! 

The tipping point?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Life is peculiar.

No doubt about it.  Life is definitely peculiar.  Just when I thought I had everything figured out, it changes.  Current events not even in the picture, I am referring to the desires of childhood.

I wanted 1 husband, children (lots of them), a white house with a black roof and a white picket fence around it and several pets in the yard.  I suppose it was the dream of an apartment dwelling child sharing her room with her sibling and a half-sibling at that.  At that time, the age of 6, he was my brother and I accepted it at face value.  To this day, he is still my brother.

Then, life happened.  My parents all divorced again and remarried.  New sisters were born and my father gathered 6 new step-brothers and sisters into my life.  I lived in more apartments than houses and none of them had a white picket fence.  I grew up and found out the dream I had didn't just happen.  You had to have the skill sets to make it happen.  You have to know what it takes to make it happen.

Living the dream is only possible if you know how to work to get it.  Take the simple idea of 1 husband.  You have to first know that it is possible to do that.  When it was the norm to have one husband and not fool around on them, most women knew what they had to do to make that happen.  You didn't just "up and leave" when it didn't "feel good" anymore.  You stuck it out and you didn't run home or run off to some gym or bar to work out your frustrations and find a new "interest" or "feel good."  That kind of love that lasts takes work and it isn't being taught that way anymore.  And that is a shame.

I live in a small yellow house with a green roof and the fence is in the backyard and contains dogs and grapevines. I had one child who is grown, married and trying to live out his own childhood dreams.  And that part of my dream as well turned out different.  I did not raise my son.  I had an influence on his life, but was not allowed to be there with him when he needed me and I needed to nurture him.  That is my regret in life.  That is the part of my dream that I so wanted to come true, but I didn't know how to do it. His father and I divorced.  Why?  Best reason I can come up with is this.  Each of us in our own special way was a total butt hole.  Neither of us knew how to make it work and only tried sporadically with limited skill to do so.  Neither of us was willing to put down the baggage we brought in to the marriage and simply burn it.  We kept our baggage and cherished it and lost sight of what was important.

It took many years and many heartaches to finally figure out how it all is supposed to work, and it IS work.  It is filled with compromise.  One of you has to compromise first so it may as well be you.  Get that first time out of the way.  It gets easier after that.  One thing you must remember about compromise is that you NEVER sell out your ethics or moral principles to do so.  Let GOD guide your compromises so you do not sell something that doesn't belong to you.

My life is simple.  I worship GOD ALMIGHTY.  YESHUA is my Savior.  The rest is just living.  My husband and I have similar views on politics and religious topics.  We occasionally disagree, which is good because if we both had identical views on everything, one of us would be unnecessary.  I have my flower garden, I mow grass, take care of 6 dogs, 2 cats and feed the birds.   He has his acres of gardens that he takes joy in.  He likes his grapevines and worm trees (don't ask).  He likes fishing and hunting.  That's not for me.  We were content.  We were literally fat and happy.

Our new friends were the cardiologists and all the nurses and clerks at the office.  So, it finally occurred to us that maybe that was not the thing to be.  We had to become discontented with our life.  We had to change.  We had to get out of our comfort zone and do things differently.

In achieving contentment, which I am quite sure was never in either of our dreams as children, we achieved a negative lifestyle. Now we are working hard to overcome in a short period of time what has taken 20 years to accomplish.

We got some new friends - determination and ambition.  We are doing things that promote good health and making a concerted effort to do some sort of exercise every day.  Our bodies are the temple that the HOLY SPIRIT lives in and we are doing quite a bit of home maintenance.

Shalom!  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You Got The Shakes?

There comes a time in everyone's life when weight is paramount in their mind.  It starts in youth and progresses throughout life. In these modern times we are mainly concerned with losing weight .  What if I told you that you could do it?  What if I said it would be easy if you followed the plan?  Is losing weight the only gauge by which we determine how healthy we are?  How Scriptural is gluttony anyway?  Is it simple gluttony or are we just so malnourished our bodies are never satisfied and we just keep eating more and more to satisfy the body's desire for those nutrients it is not getting?

How about we start with the proper nutrition?  Here, in the United States of America, we have far too much to eat.  At least that is the way it appears. While we have "super sized" our fast food meals they in turn have "super sized" our behinds and depleted our wallets.  We are continually eating but never truly satisfied.  But where do we start?

There are so many "diets" both fads and some really helpful solutions.  There are those solutions that send your food to you already in proper portions. All you need to do is heat it in the microwave for 90 seconds. They give you suggestions for meal planning, snacks and all you have to do is follow the plan.  They even include a bottle of vitamins to enhance the whole experience.

There are the ones that sell books by the millions that require a "life style" change.  You learn to eat new foods.  You measure and cook your food from scratch and learn to live without all those nasty tasties that contain the fats, carbohydrates, sugar and all things pre-made and filled to the brim with tasty decadence.

You can diet online with your counselor monitoring your every move, at least the moves you post on your webpage.  You can count calories, fat grams, sugar, sodium and a vast array of other ingredients designed to make manufactured food palatable.

You can exercise without moving, exercise by learning a martial art, exercise by learning to dance or any variety of the these.  There is jazzercise and "Dancin' to the Oldies.  Don't forget muscle confusion and the body fit for a beach.

If you search long enough you can find whatever suits your fancy to lose weight and muscle up.  There are even lose belly fat drugs sold by the millions on commercials and infomercials. 

And it all boils down to this, if all you want to do is lose weight there is a way out there to do just that.  Some methods work for everyone for a time. Keeping it off may pose its own problems but it can be done.

One of the reasons I got involved with Body By Vi is because for the past 5 years or so, I have steady put on the pounds and felt like a real porker.  I tried several different things and they all worked, but I gained the weight back and more!  I felt better thinner.  I felt better about myself.  I had more confidence when I was thinner.  But nothing seemed to help me get on the right track.

One day my husband's nephew came to the house and showed us the Body By Vi - 90 Day Challenge.  I saw it.  I got it!  I couldn't wait to try it.  The thing about it is that it works!

The one thing that I have yet to mention is what it did for me mentally.  It actually pulled me out of a pit, a very deep, very dark pit.  It is amazing what proper nutrition can do for you; what it can do for your state of mind.  I was suicidal and I am certain that it showed on every fiber of me.  It was, after all, one of the main reasons I got fired.  The COO of the company told me that it was painful to look at me and he hated to see me coming down the hall.  Little did he know (or apparently care) that within 3 days of getting the proper nutrition that I would become a happy, outgoing, talkative, stunningly beautiful, energetic 62 year old woman who no longer needed his validation to exist.  Two years of deep depression, low self esteem, suicidal thoughts, intense counseling and drug therapy were all put behind me within 72 hours of starting on Body By Vi - 90 Day Challenge.

The icing on the cake is that I could make money promoting the product that literally saved my life!  I could make money simply helping people get healthy!  An that, dear reader, works for me!  Why not make money doing something you like to do and help people at the same time?  Why not find out what it's all about?  Visit my website and sign up for more information.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

To All The "Know-It-Alls" - You Know Who You Are

I can write this with full knowledge that someone out there (probably someone I know) will be offended.  I know this because, as they say, "I are one of them there thangs!"

How I came to be.

When I was a child of 5 or 6, I knew that I had to be a quick study.  There was nothing worse in my home than a wrong answer even if the question asked had no right or wrong answer.  Then there were those questions that had NO right answer.

The questions that had no right answer were the ones like, 'DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID?"  If I was dumb enough or simply not paying attention and said, "yes" there would be a steep payment. That one I learned pretty quick that I had to be paying attention and the correct answer was always, "No, ma'am!" The emphasis had to be on the "ma'am" and not the "No" or it was considered a "smart remark" which had its own punishment.

"ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT?!" was a tricky one.  It could be followed by, "I DIDN'T RAISE YOU TO BE STUPID!" so I had to wait to answer.  I couldn't wait too long or that was another cause for punishment.  Sometimes I felt pretty stupid or she wouldn't be asking me dumb questions.  Not something I said out loud. 

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" and "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!" were often paired and unless there was a mirror, I never knew how I was looking at her.  When I didn't know how to look, I would try looking blankly into space or down at the floor or even concentrate on a speck on something in the room. That meant I wasn't "listening" and many times I got caught up in my own fantasy world and really wasn't paying attention. That stinging slap or the pain of the belt brought me back to reality.

To a child of 6 with that kind of logic bouncing around, it became apparent that adults were actually fairly stupid, mainly illogical and not something to aspire to. The end result was that I buried myself in books - all kinds of books. By the time I was 12, I had read every science and science fiction book in the library.  I read science fiction to escape and science to find out how.

I remember lying on the grass peering into the stars wondering when my "real parents" were finally going to come back to get me.  I was not related to these earthlings!  I couldn't possibly be. They were illogical and mean and none of it made sense unless I was no part of their genetic pool.  I dreamed of the time when the spaceship would land and they (my real parents) would hug me and be so glad to see me.

Obviously that day never came as I am still here and I have become one of those dreadful things - an adult.  I lost the innocence and logic of childhood and became what I despised most - one of "THEM."  What I find fascinating in this modern world of ours is that children are becoming adults far too soon.  My journey into the world of no logic and cruelty came in my 20's while many of the children ages 12 and up are venturing into the land of illogical cruelty much sooner.  I see the signs of stupidity beginning to flourish in the 14 and 15 year olds as they become sexually aware creatures. They give themselves away like over-ripe fruit falling from a tree only to lie upon the ground to rot.  They lose themselves early and master the art of cruelty and lose the logic of children.

Ah, but I am off on a rabbit trail.

When school grades are brought home and A's and B's are not good enough.  The paintings and drawings are never good enough.  The choices made are never quite right. Dressing for school becomes a dreaded chore.  The way hair is combed or brushed is never quite right.  You become increasingly aware that having the "right" answer is paramount.  You never say anything unless you are certain that what you say will be correct.  Eventually, you get a reputation as a "know-it-all" which is incorrect because you really only know what you have just said. You really don't know it ALL nor did you ever think you did.

Reputation is what people think about you and you will rarely change anyone's mind once they believe they have the "truth" about you.  So ignore the ignorance and move forward.  You learned early in life to dissect every response and come up with the most accurate and acceptable.  It becomes second nature and you think no more about what to say than you do about wiping your behind or breathing.  You know that if you are not absolutely certain about the answer, you will say nothing.

Someone may seem to know it all, but it may only be your perception of them and not the reality.

Oh, I really don't know who you are.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Letter to a Friend

Dear Friend,

I am writing this letter to you specifically.  Although we have never been what the world considers best friends or BFFs, I still consider you a dear and close friend.  I have prayed for you often just as I have prayed for your children and your spouse.

Times will often be difficult.  It will sometimes seem as though friends do not understand or they are so far from you, but I want you to know that you are only a prayer away from me.

We share almost nothing in common except that we live on planet Earth and one other important thing.  We are one IN CHRIST.  We share the Saviour and in that one thing we are united.  If you hurt, THE HOLY SPIRIT is there to bring that hurt to me so that I may pray for you.  While I seldom will know the true reason for the prayer, THE SPIRIT has lead me to pray for you.  It may be a simple temptation of an extra doughnut hole or it may be a much bigger temptation to not read or study THE SCRIPTURES or a temptation of jealousy or lust.  THE HOLY SPIRIT knows as does GOD and that is all that is truly important. 

You may be in the midst of great persecution and fear for your life if someone finds out that you, indeed, are a Christian.  It may be the temptation to leave your BIBLE at home rather than take it to work with you and read during lunch.  It may be an unfaithful or brutal spouse that beats you in a drunken rage.

Whatever your trial, tribulation or temptation, you are truly NEVER alone.  While I cannot be there to lift you up, please, dear Friend in CHRIST, know that HE will never leave you nor forsake you and HE has sent THE COMFORTER to be with you through to the end.  Please, fear not man who can torture and kill the body, but fear HIM who has control over the soul and that ONE is JEHOVAH GOD, YHWH.

Be of good cheer and embrace the PEACE that transcends all understanding.  HE is with you always and forever.  Do not dwell on the issues at hand, dwell upon the GLORY that you will soon see.  Our time is but a vapor, a wisp of wind in time.  We rejoice in an Eternity with the CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, our SALVATION.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Always in CHRIST,
your friend

Friday, June 17, 2011

I Don't Know Where It Went!

It used to be the thing to do - make fun of women who overspent their husband's income.  Then women started making their own money.

Now we make fun of the leaders of the United States because they seem to think that the wallet is open and there is an endless supply of money.  They are much like the cartoon wife of prior decades "stealing" money from the sleeping husband's wallet.  The supposition is that he will not know where it has gone.

The American public is sleeping with its wallet open while our fearless leaders "steal" it from us thinking we will not know that it is gone. 

Well, the message here is this.  SURPRISE!!!!  You have been caught.  The wallet contains only a pittance of what you have overspent.  There is no more coming.  So suck it up.  Tighten your belts.  Eat slimmer.  Quit subsidizing everything.  Let the chips fall where they may. 

I am not wealthy.  But, I would like to be.  I do not want the wealthy taxed out of existence.  I would like to think that one day, I could be in their shoes.  I do not make jobs for anyone, but the people that I know who have money do.  They have businesses and factories.  They employ people.

All those elitists who cry out against the wealthy are just that!  They are wealthy and probably not ready to give up their own wealth, but want others to do so.  I really do not care if someone makes a million dollars a month and gets to keep it.  They rarely do keep it.  They spend it.  Spending it makes jobs. 

The government CANNOT make jobs.  It makes bureaucracy.  It increases debt.  It can only spend.  It creates no viable product for sale.  It is a government.  Government is supposed to protect the borders, provide for the common defense and little more.  All the agencies and commissions and studies and Executive Orders and all the rest is nothing more than government control.  It is no more than a UNION gone mad.

You all have a lovely day.  I am through with my ranting.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We Are as Fools on a Ship Without a Compass

It is no longer a question as to whether or not there is something to write about.  It is simply a matter of which one of many.

If the United States abandons Israel and insists upon Israel giving up land, we are in for hard times.  Hurricane season is just starting and the number of tornadoes so far has been staggering.  HE told us, "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you" or words to that effect. 

We have officials in high places in the United States of America that simply seem intent upon throwing this country headlong into a swirling morass of debt and uncertainty.  The reporters of gloom and doom also seem to want us to fail.

We, the United States, were once great and not because of our might, but because of our heart and IN SPITE of our might and our wealth.

What happened?  We grew prideful and disdained those precepts which made us great.  We grew haughty and looked down our collective noses at the founders and sought to bring only their faults to light and not the sacrifices they made to give this country its start.  We who were filled with sin, mocked that very sin, and threw rocks and elevated ourselves above those frail founders.

We lost sight of the very fact that the United States of America was founded as a Christian nation.  Not Muslin, not Baptist, not Catholic, not Buddhist, not Hindu, nor Mayan, nor Agnostic.  We were founded as a Christian nation.

We have forgotten that.  May GOD have mercy upon us!

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

A Button in the Land of Nutton

Once upon a time in the land of Nutton there was Button. 
Button held the purse strings closed, but Button was a Nutton. 
One day Nutton popped its Button. 
And all the money disappeared. 
If you're a Button in Nutton, there's Nutton to button. 
Welcome to the American debt!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Place Called Success

The road to success is not straight. 
There is a curb called Failure, 
A loop called Confusion; 
Speed bumps called Friends; 
Red lights called Enemies;
Caution lights called Family. 
You will have flats called jobs. 
But, if you have a spare called Determination; 
An engine called Perseverance; 
Insurance called Faith, 
And a driver called Jesus, 
You will make it to a place called Success!!
I do not know who the author is, but it is worth passing on.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Was Paul Into Sports?

Bodily exercise profits little.  Evidently somebody was.  Running the race and other references to exercise and sports are throughout Scripture.

I have heard much on the arguments, pro and con, regarding exercise and sports and the necessity or lack of  necessity for participation in sports or even exercise.  In my opinion sports could vanish tomorrow and it would not affect my life in the slightest. 

Health, on the other hand is frequently mentioned.  Food is mentioned often in the first chapters of Genesis.  We were given every herb of the field to eat.  And would be healthy doing so.  Everything in the Garden of Eden was for our use.

The next big mention of nutrition is actually in Noah and the Ark.  There were many more pairs of clean animals taken than unclean.  Although it is not stated as such, I suspect that for the first time in earth's short history animals were to be the main source of food when the Ark settled on the Mountains of Ararat, there would be no herbs growing on water drenched soil.  There would be no choice but to eat animals until the plants were able to grow and produce food.

Exodus gives us numerous accounts of the people's point of view of whatever food that was on hand and it seems they were seldom satisfied for very long.   If they had Manna, they wanted meat.  If they had meat they wanted the delicacies of Egypt.  That in itself is humorous.  They were slaves in Egypt and barely got grain and water.  What they knew of delicacies was what they saw the Egyptians eat.  Maybe there were some crumbs that fell from the master's table.

In Leviticus, there is an abundance of references to what is proper to eat.  The laws were given to maintain a healthy Jew, primarily due to the fact it was in obedience to GOD.  YHWH made them.  HE knew what to feed them to keep them at optimum health.  Simple.

In the New Testament, food came up in a variety of ways.  Some of it was symbolic and represented the Gospel.  The last supper that THE LORD celebrated with the twelve chosen ones was of major importance.  It represented HIS sacrifice.  With HIS stripes we are healed.

Healed.  What does that mean?  There are many opinions and writings on that simple statement.  We are healed.  It says nothing about degrees of healing nor partial healing, not even total healing.   HE said it simply.  With HIS stripes we are healed - nothing more, nothing less. 

So, what does one do?  Moderation is my key.  That has not worked really well for me, because I basically tend to overdo the things I like; such as chocolate, french fries, cinnamon buns, dark, deep chocolate, fried fish, fried chicken, dark chocolate m&m's, pancakes, waffles and chocolate.  Did I mention chocolate?

I got truly stupid when the ear stapling fad went through our area and several of us women got it done.  A week later I got the staples removed.  They were painful going in and coming out.

I have tried Nutrisystem.  It worked.  I lost 25 pounds of the 40 I wanted to lose.  I gained it back once I started using the meals as snacks and resumed eating regular meals when my husband retired.   He started cooking when he retired and I did not want to offend him so I ate what he cooked.  He is a good cook.  That was a plus and it plussed all over me.  I gained 30 pounds.

Trying to lose 50 pounds is not that easy at age 61.  With some people it has never and will never be easy.

It does take a change in lifestyle and a bent toward living a healthier lifestyle.  You have to have the right product or program and the right support.

I think I may have found it.  There is a link on my blog that leads to a 90 Day Health Challenge.  I will start on mine this Thursday when my shakes arrive.  I will take my before photos and measurements and keep everyone updated.  The shakes taste great and that makes it easier to swallow.  It is also cost effective.

Until then...

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Armadillos Carry Leprosy

Leprosy is mentioned many times in Scripture.  I have never once seen a reference to an armadillo.

There must be some deep meaning in all of this.

Actually.  No.  I am simply suffering from information overload.  I know this, you see, because I read it on the internet.   I did not check and re-check this factoid.  I will leave that for you to do.

Chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs and other rodents carry some form of plague.  Scientists have been trying to control it by enticing the critters into a tube filled with something to kill fleas that transmit the disease to humans.

Most animals can become rabid if they are bitten by an infected animal or eat the raw meat of an infected animal.

HIV originated with some type of monkey.  There are some people who eat the brains of live monkeys.  Yuck!! but true.

My mother told me that gonorrhea originally came from sheep.  Yuck!! again.  Maybe it was syphilis.  Either way.  Yuck!! again.

Mad Cow disease comes from sheep.  Why would anyone feed sheep meat to cows anyway?  Do they not know cows are herbivores?  That is what comes from teaching political correctness and no biology.

Lyme Disease can be transmitted across many species by way of a certain species of tick.

While lying did not originate in Washington DC, the spread of lying is at record highs across the nation.  It seems that once one has been exposed to it, the contagion is carried back to the politicians home state rather quickly and it is now an epidemic across the United States.

A lie spreads faster than the truth ever could.  A lie is believed long before the truth ever is.  A liar can prove he was not somewhere that he was while a truthful man cannot prove he was somewhere he actually was if he was alone.

Humans prefer to believe that aliens planted the human race upon this planet but laugh at the truth of GOD creating everything for us to live here.

Humans prefer to believe that rogue aliens will come to destroy the earth and we will be saved by a lone fighter for truth, justice and the American way; but they refuse to believe that GOD sent HIS only SON to earth to die for their sins.  HE will be back.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

"And we'll have fun, fun, fun 'til Daddy takes her T-bird away-yay..."

Anyone who is at least as old as I am might remember those words to a popular late 1960's song.  That was forty plus years ago.  My how time flies when you think you have all the time in the world.

When I was seventeen, most days I thought I had all the time in the world.  The death of a classmate from cancer kind of gave me an idea that life just might be uncertain.  No one in my family even knew that I had thoughts of death except my mother. 

When I was fifteen, I had a diary.  It was pink (of course) and had one of those dinky locks designed to give a child a false sense of security.  I wrote my most private thoughts in there.  I had the typical younger brother who was always trying to read it and I tried to keep it hidden.  I learned too late that hiding something under a mattress or under my pillow was not really a hiding place when your mother washes clothes and bed linens once a week.

At fifteen with hormones raging, body changing and interests wandering seriously toward boys it was inevitable that I would put in writing my deepest, darkest thoughts.  I had a summer romance which consisted of meeting this boy at the public pool almost everyday.  We never went anywhere.  He never bought me anything, not even a soda.  We talked and we swam.  A week before school started, he asked me to go steady.  I was elated.  We never even shared a kiss.  We barely held hands and I was overjoyed. 

School started and that first day was great!  I had a steady boyfriend and my classes were great.  Before lunch he came up to me and asked for his ring.  He said he wanted to get it cleaned.  Of course I handed it right over to him.  He barely got out of sight when I saw him hand it to another girl who had that same foolish grin that I had just seconds before.

Of course when I got home, I wrote in my diary how devastated I was and how life was not worth living.  Several days later, my mind on other things, my mother confronts me.  She actually burst into my room after I had gone to sleep.

She yells at me that I am stupid and have no idea what life is all about.  At that moment, I had no clue as to what she was referencing.  She kept telling me I was stupid and asking me how I could write something like that and all the time she is haranguing me I am wondering what her problem is.  Somewhere between the screaming of the fifteenth and the twentieth stupid it occurred to me that she had read my diary.

She informed me that there was nothing private in the house and she would read whatever whenever she chose.  So, I did what any teenage girl would do under the circumstances.  I burned my diary and never started another while I lived at home. 

At my age, I have started another diary of sorts.  This blog is probably the closest I have come to having a diary or journal in awhile.  It is not so much a recounting of the days events as much as it is a look back.  More than anything it is an autobiography with some embellishments here and there when I write my stories which I post on another blog.

If there is anything that I can tell a mother who finds their child's journal it is this.  Do not scream and yell at them about the contents.  Keep your mouth shut.  Watch them.  Give them a chance to come to you. 

You scream.  You yell.  You accuse.  You drive them away.  I believe that it is okay for parents to be nosy and read those private thoughts.  Just keep them to yourself and remember those things so you can use opportunities to instruct them; to guide them in the right direction.   It might just keep you and them out of trouble.  You may learn what your child really thinks and it may not be as bad as you think.  There is always the chance that it is worse, but then you are armed with information not ammunition.

Do not forget that what you read may only be feelings but to your child they can seem like life and death, and those feelings may just need to be written not necessarily broadcast. 

I do not care what anyone says.  Being a child in today's world is much more difficult than it was when I was a child.  There are many more opportunities for disaster today.  They have the internet, cell phones and all manner of incorrect information coming at them from every direction.

Be a parent all the time, not just at your convenience or when your job allows.  Do not wait until they are teenagers to get involved.  Know who your child is.  Listen to them.  Do not just try bullying them into submission.  That only works for most 2-year-olds and younger.

Teach them at home from the BIBLE.  When they start school, help them with their homework.  Know what they are being taught.  Know their friends.  Keep the lines of communication open.

I would like to think that I did some of the above with my own child, but one can never be sure.  We never really know what kind of parent we have been until...  Well, I am not sure that we ever truly know.  Good parents can have bad children and bad parents can have good children.  But do not take what I just wrote as a license to be a bad parent.  Always do the best job you can.

Rely on GOD for HIS Wisdom.  After all, HIS SON gave everything HE had for a bunch of sinners and ingrates.  Do not compare yourself to others.  Look to HIM for HIS advise.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reality - What Is It Really?

There is much confusion these days about what truth is.   There was even a President in the United States who was confused about the meaning of the word "is."  Only history will tell whether it was his escapades or his lack of ability that he will be known for.

There are those who believe that truth is whatever you want it to be.  That is simply insane.  If that were true there is no need for mental hospitals, nor psychiatrists, nor the drugs that help people to focus on the real world.

As I sit day after day watching the blather that marches across the liquid crystal display, it occurs to me that there truly could be a misinterpretation of reality.  The shows have been transformed from basic pure fictional half-hour to hour to 2 hour long Reality Shows.  Are they truly real?  Just how real can it be to have cameramen follow you around and have cameras in every room of the house?  Do you finally forget that they are there?

But how real is reality anyway?  We have someone who follows us around where no camera can go.  How do we act?  Do we act as though no one sees?  Do we go through our daily routine without a thought for those who watch us?  Is what we are experiencing real or are we simply lying in a coma in some room playing out a dream or a nightmare of reality?

Sometimes I wonder.  As a child, I read science fiction and lost myself among the space travelers on far away worlds.  I escaped with "Stranger in a Strange Land" because the real world was full of despair, molestation, vulgarity, profanity, verbal fights, alcoholism, divorce, fist fights and all manner of violent behavior.  I escaped with "Methuselah's Children."  There was time to correct bad behavior and that was what I needed.  I needed to believe that there was a way to correct all the violent behavior and those peculiar idiosyncrasies that caused perceptions to become blurred and right, wrong, real and imagined became meshed together where there were no boundaries.

Church and preaching had become just another way for Satan to do his dirty work.  There was no way that I was going to believe some preacher.  He was just another man talking about things he had no heart for and did not believe.

I knew preachers that spoke of fire and brimstone and listened to them talk about the love of God, a God they did not even appear to know nor care about.  I even walked past one who called me a whore (using an old Biblical term) and mentioned that I was one of those women to be avoided.

The reality of the Scriptures had been twisted.  Half truths were told and embellished to suit the desires of the one doing the preaching.  I was 42 when I finally got the TRUTH.  I finally got it.  I finally understood that it was not what some man was saying, but it was right from the mouth of GOD. 

I finally knew the TRUTH and it did indeed set me free!

The reality is that this earth is in meltdown mode.  Right is wrong.  Wrong is right.  Evil is good.  Good is evil.  It is everyone for himself.  The love of many is waning.  The sick, the old, and the handicapped are being discarded like empty soda cans.  The love of GOD has its place in the church and only the church, if even there.  Governments promote their own agenda without much thought for the true welfare of the people.  Politicians are in it for their own power struggles and fame and fortune.  The welfare of the people and the furtherance of virtue is far from their mind.

I know one thing for sure and for certain.  GOD is love.  GOD is Truth.  GOD is in charge.  GOD's Will be done.  It (whatever it may be) will go as GOD wills it.  Evil will not prevail.  Jesus of Nazareth was a real person.  HE was the Son of GOD.  HE was born and HE died for my sins.  HE rose from the grave.  HE sits at the right hand of GOD.  Yes, I said one thing but all of these things are from One Source.  They all come from GOD ALMIGHTY and they are all TRUE.

The reality is that there is ONE GOD and only ONE way to GOD.  Read the Bible.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Love Story

It was 1968.  She was young and lived with wild abandon and had no sense of consequences.  Her memory was unclear.  There was much that happened during that time that was hazy, but one thing was clear, she met someone who melded with her heart.

The circumstances of their meeting were unclear.  She simply remembered him.  And then he was gone.  It was a fleeting meeting, a spontaneous moment that evaporated as quickly as it happened.

Several years passed.  There had been many spontaneous moments two of which ended in divorce.  The sparkle of spontaneity had dulled considerably and consequences had taken their toll.  The pieces that she had so willingly given were never to be recovered.  Her heart had become riddled with holes and while it had not been broken beyond repair, the walls were being built.

This day had come and almost gone like so many others.  A friend was with her as she drove into the service station.  She saw him.  She tried to not give the moment too much consideration, but that feeling started crawling out of the pit.  Their eyes met and she knew he remembered.

He filled her gas tank and when she left, she knew she would be returning before his shift ended.

Time flew by in a sea of love and lust of youth.  Soon they were living together.  His mother thought that she was wrong for her baby boy.  She wanted him to move back to her home.  His mother cried when he moved out and she carried his boxes back into the house and tried to hide them.  He moved anyway.  This new woman had something to give to him that he had never had before.  She believed in him and thought he could conquer the world.  For her he just might.

There were arguments and tempestuous forgiveness and the cycle started.  They decided to marry.  The third time was to be the charm for her.  This was to be the last time.  There would be no more marriages.  They would live happily ever after.

They eloped.  They told no one.  While on a trip to a drag race competition, they found a little town called Eden and there they forged the legal and emotional bond.  Their wedding night was spent in celebration of that union.

Upon their return home, they still told no one.  Assumptions were made.  Efforts were made to part the young lovers, but to no avail.

More than a year passed.  During that time they moved from the small apartment into a hovel on the wrong side of the tracks.  It was a two-story dwelling that had no insulation, no central heat and wind blew through the window frames, but it was their first place.  His mother was appalled that he could live in a place like that, but that was what $80.00 a month would buy.  It was in an industrial area, but his wife knew it as home.  She felt safe there.  She would put plastic over the windows to keep out the cold and the wind.  The landlord blew insulation into the walls and it was home.

His job as a mechanic did not pay much and she went to work as a receptionist at a local factory.  The home was clean and sparsely furnished with second-hand furniture and un-packed boxes.

It was 1977.  One morning she woke and made the comment, "I hope you like being called Daddy.  I think I'm pregnant."

It was about a week later when the vomiting increased and she had no choice but to go to the emergency room.  She told the doctor on call that thought she was pregnant.  The doctor insisted that she had gall bladder problems and scheduled a gall bladder series for the next morning.  He insisted that she take the medication for the series while he stood and watched.  It was not something she wanted to do because of the danger of the x-rays to the baby, but the doctor insisted that she could not know that she was pregnant.

They left the hospital and drove straight home.  As they pulled up to the house a wave of nausea engulfed her and as soon as the car door was opened, the contents of her stomach were on the ground.  She would not be having any x-rays.

The morning sickness increased.  It was 1977 and pregnancy tests were still done by doctors.  She dropped the urine sample off at the doctor's office.  She talked to the doctor later that morning and he said, "I guess congratulations are in order.  You're pregnant."

It was time to tell the family that they were married and pregnant.

His mother was heartbroken.  Even when she saw the marriage certificate, she tried to deny it's existence.  She did not want to believe that he had married and actually gotten that woman pregnant.

Her family was non-nonchalant about the whole thing, but excited about a first grand-child.

His mother finally warmed to the idea of a grand-child and made efforts to become part of their lives.  Everything was an effort but worth the price paid to gain control of some bit of the son she had lost to her. 

She knew she was not what the woman would have chosen for her son, but there was only the future to look at.  She was determined to make this work.

The pregnancy was wonderful after the initial month of morning sickness.  The doctor prescribed Bendectin and the nausea subsided.  It was not until after the pregnancy that it was broadcast that Bendectin caused birth defects and should not be taken by pregnant women.

She was healthier than she had been in years.  Weight gain was within reason and that glow that expectant mothers have seemed especially bright.  The child that grew within her she just knew was a boy.  It was never a consideration for her that she would have anything but a boy child.  She only wondered what he would be like and if she could be a good mother to him.

She wondered about her mothering skills.  Books had been her main source of information and what she read had her on edge.  There were many philosophies and some were quite confusing; nearly all contradicted the others at one point.  The "Leave It To Beaver" family was a dream she had as a child, but it was only a fantasy that never had a hope of reality.  Her own family had been the epitome of dysfunction.  The fights, the screaming, the drinking, the profanity and vulgar language were the visible signs.  The constant degradation and lack of appreciation between the adults was transferred to every child.  If the cycle was to be broken, there would have to be a miracle, a rebirth.  It would have to be a total change of heart.  There was no sign of that happening.

The other side of the family seemed to be better, but upon closer examination it was dysfunctional lite.  The symptoms were just not as vocal and there were no fist fights.  There was only the continuously pleading voice.  The children had lived in a home with a closet hoarder with her heart deeply embedded in the keepsakes of the past and a peculiar attachment to the children living at home. 

Somewhere in between or even outside of the box, there had to be reason.  There had to be understanding and love and reason.  With no visible model it was going to be a difficult road, but there had to be a better way.  Someone out there had to have an answer, a direction upward; a better way of living life.

The pregnancy was wonderful, but what about life after?  Would she be able to nurture this new life, this new son, properly?

The physical side was never in question.  It had snowed and she was in the end of the eighth month.  So she got the snow shovel and started shoveling the snow off her in-law's driveway.  She felt wonderful and alive.

As she shoveled she thought of events that happened during the pregnancy.

They were in the grocery store and needed milk.  The milk was on the bottom shelf and was almost sold out.  She stooped down and reached for a gallon at the back of the shelf and lost her footing.  As she rolled across the floor, she laughed at the comedy of it all.  Her husband saw her and together they shared that moment.

The three of them were at a community concert and as the music played, the child within her started keeping time to the music.  He was having his own personal party and it was wonderful.

She never felt fat.  It was an emotional, hormonal time, but it was a time of feeling womanly and wonderful.  She did not want it to end but knew that it would end soon.  It had too.  But as the time drew near, the fear within grew.  It was a fear that she would fail as a parent; she would fail to be a good mother.

She was not aware of just how short the time was.  They were driving to a friend's home in Dooms.  His father was a frequent visitor because the husband had a garage.  It is late, but there were still several cars there.  She elected to stay in the car because she was tired and not looking forward to the walk up the hill to the garage.

She sat there waiting.  Her husband had not been gone that long, but she started getting a sense of urgency.  It was a 1966 Chevrolet and the front seat was quite large and she laid down trying to be patient.  Since that was not working, she sat up.  The feeling was sudden and instantly she realized that time was very short.  The amniotic fluid washed over her and she sat there waiting and trying not to get anxious.

A short amount of time passed, but it seemed like an hour.  She got out of the car and headed up the hill.  Walking toward the door, she started feeling a twinge.  As she opened the door, she heard his voice and several others.  The conversation was animated.

"Sweetheart, it's time to go."

"Yeah, I won't be long."

"No, we need to go now."

You could see the awareness grow as the men, one by one, realized that we really had go and go now!  The laughter started as they kidded him about going.  You could see the pronounced change on his face as he suddenly became aware of the fact of the moment.  The baby was coming.

He jumped up suddenly, confused and concerned and excited, all at the same time.  They drove home to pick up that bag of essential things that every newly expectant couple packs.  As the contractions grew, she fixed a couple of peanut butter sandwiches.  She remembered the stories of fathers who had passed out due to low blood sugar and she was determined that would not happen.

The calm remained with her until hours after the birth of her son.  It was then that she realized that the next 18 years would be a time of growing and a time of pulling away and of finding his own way.

That was the beginning of a life-long journey for the young couple.  Neither of them knew that in a few short years their lives would change forever and there would be no turning back.  The contractions were getting closer and harder, but she had been trained in the Lamaze classes and knew what to expect, but it was still a new experience.  She was calm with anticipation.  She knew it was going to be intense and she knew she would never remember it as pain.  It was a process that had to be.  It was necessary and it would happen and it would be without drugs and forceps.  She was determined that it would be a natural birth.  the child would be born when the child was ready, when the body was right.

As she focused on the tiny blue and white bear, a woman was wheeled in to occupy the bed next to hers.  It was a classmate from the Lamaze class.  Her hair was in place and she had on her makeup.  When the contraction hit, she started screaming.  Instead of listening to her husband, her coach, she allowed the pain to become over-powering.  When the next contraction hit, her husband walked out.

The screaming was loud and annoying, but it was breaking her concentration.  She buzzed for the nurse.  When the nurse came in she asked her to move Mrs. Screamer to another room before she smothered her with a pillow.   The nurses moved her bed to the room farthest from the nurses station.  When that proved to be insufficient, they closed her door.

Thirteen hours into the labor, they started talking about taking the baby.  She had not gotten that far to give in to their desire to fill her and her unborn child with drugs or numb her lower body so she could not feel the actual birth of her son.  It was time.  She could feel it.  Regardless of what they said, it was time to push.

They grew frantic and told her not to push.  They insisted that she wait until they got her from the labor room to the delivery room.  She told them she was not waiting and they better hurry because it was time.

She felt the pressure and the wonderful release of new life.  He did not cry nor scream.  He gave out a little "aach!" opened his eyes and looked around.  His head was formed to the contour of the birth canal leaving it slightly out of round and he had goop all over him.  He did not look like the cute little babies they show in the nursery, but he was beautiful and he was hers.  He had black hair all over his head and he was frowning.  He was finally out.  The adventure had begun.

To be continued......

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

On This Day in 1978

The most wonderful son was born.  He grew into a wonderfully talented young man with a kind heart.  He is simply brilliant. 

He is every mother's delight.

He is intelligent. 

He is handsome.

He is sweet.

He is intuitive.

He is thoughtful.

He is Spiritual.

He is funny.

He has a wry sense of humor.

He got the best of the genetics from both his father and his mother.

He is honest.

He is unique.

He is my son and there is no other like him.

I am proud of him and all that he has accomplished.

May THE LORD BLESS him and may he follow THE LORD all the days of his life.


Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Truth re-imagined for the higher good..."

Imagine that.  That idea is all too familiar.  I borrowed that piece of wit from a TV drama.  Although the idea is not new, it started in the Garden, it has been put forth from time to time in different words and postulated as something new.

Too many in business want to re-imagine the truth in a way that makes it look good or makes their product seem better than it is.  As product liability insurance cost rise and the wariness of the average consumer rises, the business world contains a much higher percentage of folks who think re-imagined truth is the way to go.  They think people are generally stupid or as stupid as they themselves are.

A little rabbit trail here:  My mother always told me to never call anyone stupid.  But, lately, the word has been used far too often to describe those who have lesser learning than that of a certified public accountant or Harvard educated lawyers or even that of a glorified actor.  I was always taught by Mom that there was never a reason to call someone stupid.  So, I looked up the current definition of stupid on Merriam-Webster.  

This is what it said:
1: a : slow of mind : obtuse b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
2: dulled in feeling or sensation : torpid <still stupid from the sedative>
3: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>
4: a : lacking interest or point <a stupid event> b : vexatious, exasperating <the stupid car won't start>

So, in conclusion, stupid has been elevated from the pit to the palace.  It is one of those all-inclusive words that cover the gamut from mild mindlessness to downright arrogant, mindless, unintelligent thoughtlessness.  Now that is a mouthful.

Back on the main lane - re-imagined truth.  According to Scripture Truth is true whether you believe it or not.  It cannot be colored nor put in a gray area, nor is it true according to the whims and whimsies of the speaker.  Lies, on the other hand can be colored, twisted, pulled, bullied, warped, dragged and all manner of re-imagining

As we stand on the brink of being stupid and making the decision as to whether or not to fabricate or lie, it might do us well to remember that the Truth will set you free.  Leave the re-imagining of Truth to the liars and writers of fiction.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

The Twinky Wins

The internet is a fabulous thing.  It enables us to find out just how dis-satisfied people are with multi-million dollar agreements.  In the days of no internet, these suffering people would have little outlet for their anguished cries for satisfaction.

While we unwashed masses manage to get by on $200.00 weekly or less (most times much, much less) unemployment payments and $1,000.00 monthly or less Social Security payments, the poor Harvard graduates with their team of lawyers seem unable to live with $20,000,000.00.  It is, after all, not the money.  Goodness, NO.  It is the principle of the thing.  Of course it is.

Perhaps, the lawsuit should include Harvard for not endowing these youngsters with a smattering of common sense.  Maybe, that team of lawyers was no smarter than they were.  I have found that most lawyers are not any smarter, they just stuck it out for the degree hanging on their wall.  They managed to pass their bar exam and receive their license to practice law.  This does not mean they have common sense.

The Twinky Wins is a spoonerism of The Winky Twins.  The Associated Press reported Monday April 11, 2011, 7:06 pm EDT this headline regarding the Winklevoss Twins -

"Court: Harvard twins stuck with Facebook agreement"

Alas and alack!  According to the article they are stuck with $20,000,000.00 as opposed to the $160,000,000.00 that they found out later it maybe should have been worth to them.

I was deeply moved by their plight.  Imagine, paying that much for lawyers and a Harvard education and still not have any common sense.  

Well, they are now trying to decide whether or not to take the case to the Supreme Court.  As it should be.  They must use every means available to them to get their just desserts.  After all, it is $140,000,000.00 more that they are trying to get.  Imagine the nerve of their former buddies trying to keep all that money away from the Twins.  Such a shame.

There have been moments in my life when I have wondered what I would do if I had suddenly come into a substantial amount of money and I do not recall one of the things being trying to sue for more.  Perhaps it was.

Scripture tells us to be content with whatever conditions we find ourselves in.  Are we content?  It is in my nature to want more.  But it has always been my desire to work for what I have gotten.  When that ability was savagely ripped away from me, I found it difficult to deal with and understood why people resorted to lawsuits.  Sometimes, it just has to be done.  Sometimes businesses and other people do what is wrong and the only recourse is through the legal system. There is a provision for that in Scripture as well.

As a people and as a nation, we have gotten greedy.  Everything seems to promote greed while diminishing the value of winning by doing one's best.  Commercials do everything to instill greed in us and we sit and soak it in.  The government diminishes the will to do and promotes the will to get.  After all, are we not entitled to it?

Scripture says that if we are able bodied and we do not work, we do not eat.  Whatever happened to that idea?  Did it go by the wayside due to the economy or did that idea start to vanish years ago with the New Deal?

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.