Friday, November 20, 2015

Those Pesky Refugees

We are at war, like it or not, we are at war. We did not declare the war. They, the Islamic State of Iran and Syria, declared war on the entire Western civilization way of life.

We, the United States of America, have been taking in refugees, immigrants, and visitors (tourists) since 1776.

Are we seeing a terrorist under every rock? Maybe. Maybe there are terrorists under every rock. We don't know. It is our fear of the unknown that has us jittery.

The notorious Hillary Clinton is right about one thing. Probably several but I will only give her one thing. What we are about is being a caring and compassionate country, as a whole. We are known for helping our enemies rebuild. To see that, you only have to look at World War 2. We helped our conquered enemies rebuild their structures and their countries. Most of them never repaid but a portion of what was “loaned' to them to assist in the reconstruction of their infrastructure.  Please note that they were first conquered.

All of that is just wonderful to know, but when we were that magnanimous nation, we had leadership. We had someone at the helm who told us we could do it. “We the People” were, for the most part, law-abiding, noble people, who wanted to do right; who wanted to take care of the less fortunate. The Ten Commandments were hanging in the schools. Schools began each day with prayer and with the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. We were taught to behave both at home and at school. We were taught to respect authority. We were taught to think. We were taught to get married, then have sex and children would be the result. We were taught to read, to write, to think. Again, with the thinking. Maybe I have touched upon something.  You would normally find us at church on Sunday morning.

We the People” are no longer noble people, who want to do right; who want to take care of the less fortunate. We have the government programs to do that. We do not even have to think about being noble.

The Ten Commandments were removed from the schools for the following reason, “..If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments. However desirable this might be as a matter of private devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause. Obeying the Ten Commandments or just obeying one of them is not an objective of the government schools. The simple statement, “Do not murder.” was removed from the schools. The simple statement, “Honor your father and mother” was deemed inappropriate. That horrible commandment. “Do not lie” was offensive to someone. Our mirror for sin was shattered and the floodgates were opened.

Schools no longer begin each day with prayer and few even with the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America, lest we offend anyone. We no longer have to behave neither at home nor at school. We are no longer taught to respect authority. We are no longer taught to think. We are no longer taught to get married, then have sex and children would be the result. We are taught that sex, no matter how disturbed or perverted it may be is okay due to our right to be happy. We are taught that indiscriminate sex with anyone or anything is a right and any hindrance to that pursuit is met with shouting, vitriol and accusations of one sort of phobia or another. Any child that may be produced from any union of a man or woman or test tube is something disposable like toilet paper or commodity to be sold and experimented upon with impunity. We are no longer taught to read, to write, to think, but we are taught that political correctness rules over everything and it that doesn't cover it, then global warming will. The idiocy of the 1960's has permeated every aspect of our lives and our government. If it feels good, do it” is the mantra of the day. Coupled with “you can't judge me!” closes the door to every attempt to even open a conversation regarding the hot topics.

Even Scripture gives the government (the ruler) certain responsibilities for the protection of the people. 
Romans 13:4 “For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” NKJV

Be a responsible citizen and you’ll get on just fine, the government working to your advantage. But if you’re breaking the rules right and left, watch out. The police aren’t there just to be admired in their uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it.” The Message Bible

For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you.” The New Living Translation

And the likes of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Barack Hussein Obama, and the rest of the liberal progressives are shocked and dismayed beyond belief that we have lost our compassion for refugees. Why are we suddenly supposed to be so compassionate for grown people, people outside of the womb when we are able to murder indiscriminately the most fragile of us, that tiny human being in the womb?

We are suddenly asked to awaken the great compassionate beast within our collective masses and allow people within our borders that even the government cannot say for certain that the vetting process actually works, but we should allow it anyway because we are so compassionate. We have such great wonderful hearts for the oppressed. Really? And how compassionate was Ferguson? How compassionate was Baltimore? How compassionate was Fort Hood?

We cannot even muster compassion for the ones who work to protect us. The love of many has grown cold. We have been convinced we are still the Crusaders. The Inquisitors, those fanatical Christians. Suddenly they want us to be wonderfully kind again and are shocked and dismayed when it appears that we are not.

It kind of looks like “We the People” are not what we used to be. Do tell. The government has banned GOD, Christianity, and all that comes with us from our public life. They got it. Now they do not like it.

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