Friday, January 21, 2011

Abortion - Part 3 of 3

This is a re-post of one of my first posts.  January is Sanctity of Human Life Month, please remember the murdered and the ones they left behind.  The following is a true story.  It is my story. 

Do you think it should be legal to have an abortion?

Do you think it should be legal for a woman to choose abortion?

Do you think it should be legal to kill unborn children?

Each of these questions means the same thing.  They are phrased differently and evoke different emotions in each individual but it means the same thing.  You are asking if murder under special circumstances should be legal.  Murder should never be legal.  The rallying cry has been that you cannot legislate morality.  There are laws against stealing.  There are even laws against murder.  Those are both moral issues.

There is also the idea that it is keeping women safe.  How do you think abortion legalized or not keeps women safe?  Most modern abortion clinics are not even required to pass any state health department inspections.  In many high schools and grade schools a girl can ask for birth control or an abortion and no one HAS to tell her parents.  In many states a perverted step-father, uncle, neighbor or teacher can take an underage girl to get an abortion and no one bats an eye.  There are many things about the Abortion Industry that are appalling.  The fact that tax dollars have gone to planned parenthood to promote the killing of children is equally appalling.

Why is the United States of America in such dire financial straits?  Could it be that since 1972 we have killed 40 million children who might have grown to adulthood and produced another generation?  Has it occurred to anyone in politics that we have killed off our tax base?  Is there anyone in government who can sit down and work the numbers and realize that what is killing this nation is the fact that we allow, no we PROMOTE this genocide?

On a national scale, we are oblivious to the destruction.  We think we are immune to repercussions.  This country, in general, still thinks that if it feels good, do it.  The people of the 60's revolution are now governing.  And it appears that they smoked way too much pot back in the day or they are still hitting the weed.  After seeing all that has transpired in DC in the years since President Reagan, it is painfully obvious that we have left our spines in the nursery.  We have ceased rational thinking.  We have given ourselves over to being green when, in fact, we are mainly yellow with a big hint of RED.  Communism is not dead!  Neither is Socialism!

The nation is politically correct and morally and financially bankrupt.  And what are we worried about?  Our morals?  No.  We are concerned about our declining finances.  I propose that if we get our moral house in order that the financial side will follow.  Morally stable people work and take care of business.  They take care of their neighbors and they give to the poor.

This has been a bit of a rant but sometimes you have to rant.  Not only does it do a body good, sometimes is is essential.

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