Friday, January 21, 2011

A Matter of Choice?

There will, unfortunately, be many who read my three-part series on abortion and become incensed that I would take away a woman's right to choose.  And to that I say, HOGWASH!!!

First, I would like to point out that no one has ever been denied the right to choose anything.  Regardless of what law is passed, no one has ever been denied the right to choose anything except those incarcerated individuals and those in mental institutions.

Jeffrey Dahmer exercised his right to choose as did Charles Manson.  Just because there are laws which are there to protect the citizens, sometimes against themselves as in suicide, does not mean that the freedom to make illegal choices has been removed from a group of people.  All you have to do is choose to look at a newspaper or watch the news programs.

There are women that choose to kill their children by strapping the children in their car seats and pushing the car into lakes and rivers.  Some would try to argue that she was simply having a retro-active abortion.  Some even think that you should have the right to end a child's life until they are two or more years old.  Countries that have enforced limitations on the number of children per household have no trouble strapping a woman down and forcing her to kill her child.

Jack Kevorkian and others like him would have gladly helped me commit suicide if I had even hinted to them that I was depressed and thinking about it.  Depression and anxiety pass.  Death lingers on.  Funny how that works.  It really is a permanent solution to a temporary event.

Now there is the possibility of the Death Squad lingering over the heads of the aging population here in the United States.  So named because after a certain age, if your quality of life is below a certain scale that is determined by a committee, then there will be no further expenditures for your condition except to provide one with a permanent sleeping pill if so desired.  One side said that is the way it will be.  The other side said that is preposterous.  Who to believe?  Frankly, I choose to err on the side of caution.  Let us not give the government even a hint of that capability. 

There are those who would prohibit surgery to children born with debilitating conditions that exorbitantly priced surgeries and years of therapy would overcome.  How could anyone refuse surgery for a child simply because some limited thought process thinks that child may not contribute to society someday?  The Shriners and Saint Jude Children's Hospitals provide help for children with horrid conditions every day and most is done absolutely free of charge.  Yet there are those who would do away with extraordinary measures for a mere child.

During the course of a day, we make many choices.  We have never been NOT free to choose.  We just know that some of those choices have dire or life-long consequences.

I was asked in court once if I would force a child to become a Christian.  I told them that there was no way that I could do that, but the child would go to church with me if I got custody because the child was too young to stay at home alone.

We have a choice as to whether or not we become a Christian and no one can force you to be one.  That is totally voluntary (no, I am not getting into pre-destination).  We can choose to follow God and accept Jesus Christ as Saviour or we can continue to follow Satan.  We all have to make that choice.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

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