Tuesday, February 22, 2011

AAGGHH!! The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!!

Remember the story of Chicken Little?  For those of you who do not, it is one of those childrens stories with a moral.

All I really remember about the story is that Chicken Little ran around shouting that the sky was falling when in reality it was not.  She was, like our government today, sadly misinformed.

Fear is running rampant across the world.  Countries are in turmoil.  Governments are being overthrown.  Oil is at the crux of the turmoil.  Oil!  Oil!  Oil!  Not a big deal, except for plastics, gasoline, diesel, trucks, cars, heating oil, and on and on.

It is a good thing we can live without it.  We really can, you know.  There is absolutely not one good reason why we have to have oil by the barrel to survive.  Of course, I can say that.  I live in the country.  For the past several years my husband and I have been working on living a simpler life style, which also includes eating less.  If there are shortages or at the very least prices so high that people cannot afford to buy things, we are learning to live without some of the wants we have. 

Think about what you "need to survive" and see if you can survive without it.  Food, shelter, clothes and work.  What more do we need? 

Do we truly need the cell phones, computers, gaming devices, automatic sprinklers, washing machines, dryers, a third car, a second car or even a first car? 

Can we live on beans or do we have to have a variety of stuff on our plate?  Of course we should have a variety, but can we live without it?

And what about all the medication we take?  Do we really need all of that?  The commercials and drug companies say we do. 

Can we live without the cable, the satellite and wireless internet?  I have to say if I have to make a choice, I will get rid of the phones and keep the internet access.  I do wish we had gotten a horse.  They are pretty cheap here and it would be nice to have a way to go without the hassle of gas pumps.

So, the sky is not falling, but the forecast is looking pretty bleak if you watch any of the news channels and really pay attention.  The weather has not been that great either.  You have a choice - freak out or get your act together.

Know who is really in charge.  Know who controls your destiny.  Better yet, and much more productive, try having a relationship with The Creator of it all!  Pick up that Bible that is collecting dust on your coffee table or on the book shelf.  Read it.  Beg for understanding.  HE will give it to you.  HE did it for me.  In 1992 HE showed me my sins nailed to HIS Cross.  HE let me understand that HE is in charge and there was nothing I could do to gain the forgiveness that HE offered so freely.  I read THE BOOK and I gained the understanding that there was nothing, absolutely nothing, in my power to save my own soul from Hell, or anything else.  I cannot even talk my way or work my way into Heaven.

There is no finer peace than to know deep within one's soul that when there is fear there is One close by who will always be there and will walk through the fire and the storm with me if HE does not take me out of the fire or the storm.  HE will carry me when I can no longer walk.  HE will always be there.  HE will never forsake  me.  When I am weary, HE is there for me.  HE will carry me through. HE does not promise me any days upon this earth but HE promises me eternal life with HIM and that is what I am putting my faith in - HIS promises.  Trust no one.  Trust HIM.  Trust in HIM.

He can be there for everyone who wants HIS Salvation.  My Messiah can be yours as well.  HE forgives ALL.   Seek and you will find.

Shalom.  Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

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