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Monday, November 15, 2010


According to the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary the meaning of the word is exactly what it sounds like. 

And I quote,

Definition of ENTITLEMENT

1 a : the state or condition of being entitled : right 
   b : a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract
2  : a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group; also : funds supporting or distributed by such a program
3  : belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges


  1. my entitlement to a refund
  2. celebrities who have an arrogant sense of entitlement
  3. entitlements such as medical aid for the elderly and poor

First Known Use of ENTITLEMENT

End of quote.
Since 1942 we have grown accustomed to being entitled.  To what?  Our share of the pie?  Or, maybe a bigger share of the pie?  Something we did not work for?  That is more like it.  We, us arrogant, celebrated United States citizenry feel we are entitled to someone else's stuff. 

Is it just me?  Am I the only one seeing that the money we want back does not grow when it gets to Washington DC? Of course I am not the only one who sees it.  A variety of people have been screaming about it for years (And YHWH said, "I have 7,000 out there just like you."  [loosely translated]).  BUT, until the politicians started getting voted out of office, they kept on spending and spending and spending.  AND if the people do not maintain due diligence in watching the ones that are in government, it will revert within days and become worse than before.  
Instead of the government taking our money and then sending it back, why don't they just leave our paychecks alone and let us keep more of our money?  Why don't they just take 10% across the board and leave the rest alone?  The state could have 5% or reverse that.  The Feds could get 5% and the States could take 10% and take care of its own citizens.  They could raise their own pigs and deal with their own pork.
The House, the Senate, the Government Accounting Office and the Office of the President cannot get together to even set up a budget without adding trillions to our debt.  So why do we keep voting in charlatans and out of work frauds?  How does anyone who has to balance their own budget expect the government to function on diminishing returns?  And yes the funds are diminishing because by the time it goes through all those fingers only about 10% of it is left.  They still spend 100% and more if they think we aren't paying attention.  Often we don't pay attention.

The next time you vote for someone based upon what you are going to get from the government, remember they play "elevator" really well and you will always end up getting the shaft.  They keep the car and it is full of our money.  
Remember this.  We cannot just keep printing money.  It cannot go on much longer piling up debt.  There will be a straw.  The camel's back will break and we will all end up paying in the end.
Father God never intended for us to be ENTITLED to anything from the government.

1 comment:

  1. "So why do we keep voting in charlatans and out of work frauds?" ---(The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. Ps.12:8)

    QE1 did not work neither will any other QE fix the economy. You cant spend yourself out of debt. All the printing being done is devaluing the dollar, and will bring massive inflation, sooner or later. America should never have left the gold standard in the early 70's.

    When all the nations which are purchasing US T-bills let all that debt come back to the US; then a loaf of bread will cost like $50.00 or some such thing. The official inflation figures are cooked up. They use all kinds of shady practices to get the 'politically correct' unemployment figures.....its all smoke and mirrors today....all a facade.

    In earlier times, when the US had the biggest and best economy in the world (the still have the largest) money had real worth. the GDP reflect the hard work of the people.

    And I agree that Scriptures to not support the Entitlement mentality.
