Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why I Write

There is much to be said for writing.  

There is The Bible that answers questions, creates questions and in spite of humanity has survived centuries in its basic format.  It tells stories of historical value.  It relates the failings of humanity on a grand scale.  It gives the answer to the major question, "Why are we here?"

There are strictly historical writings oftentimes written with a bias to the ruling power.

There are informative books.  They teach you how to do anything from digging ditches to building skyscrapers; feed your dog; make home improvements; and anything else you want to do.

Self-help books abound by the millions.  Most of which do not help in the long run and are more about the writer helping themselves than trying to help you unless you learn what not to do.

There is poetry, fiction of all sorts and the list goes on.  Each person's reason for writing is as varied as humanity itself.

So, I asked myself that question.  Why do I write?

Writing is a release for me.  It takes me back to when happiness may have been a reality.  It takes me to a place where release is possible and if anyone laughs at me or pooh-poohs what I have written, it finally does not matter.  I can say the things that I always wanted to say to the people who loved me and the ones who hated me.  In the stories, there can be happiness where sadness lived; there can be hope where there was only despair.  It is my own little world where I can make things turn out okay even if reality was filled with terror.  Now and then my own form of justice is meted out sometimes harshly.  Even in the truest of them, the end is in sight.  Hope reigns!

If you have ever had the desire to write, make it happen.  It is much easier to write anonymously and get instant feed back.  The internet has opened your ramblings to a monstrous audience, to anyone, anywhere in the world.  Your neighbors next door may not even know you have a desire to write.  Someone in San Diego, Saudi Arabia, China, Bermuda, Canada or Mexico may be reading your every word.

There are even on-line courses for learning to write.  But, it is not about style or sentence structure or even good spelling as much as being able to convey ideas, passing on information in an understandable way or just touching someone's heart.

I will leave you with this:

May The Lord Bless you and keep you!


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