Saturday, October 30, 2010

Honor Our Military

These times that we live in are perilous.  All we have to do is watch any 24 hour news channel for 5 minutes to see that.

There are those in our society that wish to do away with the United States of America Military.  You do not have to be a political theorist or a great military strategist or a rocket scientist to figure that one out.  Simply watch the politicians and listen closely to what they say.

When they cut the budget indiscriminately and fail to provide the weapons that our soldiers need; when they make it possible for all soldiers, both men and women, to be sexually harassed not only in their bunks but in the combat field as well; when they allow the petitioning of people like the ACLU to do away with the symbols of their religion; it affects all of us.  It affects the military's ability to do their job which in turn takes away our freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Our government has one main obligation and it is NOT to provide welfare benefits to everyone because it has taken away our ability to make a living and provide for our own welfare.  It is NOT to make sure that we are comfortable.  It is NOT to make sure that our wealth is distributed equally across the world or even across the United States of America.

Our government's main obligation is to maintain a military force strong enough, intelligent enough and tough enough to PROTECT us.  It is to provide for the common defense.

I am sick of hearing about how we need to be integrated with the armies of the world.  It is bad enough that the caps changed to berets in order to resemble the United Nations forces.  I am tired of hearing how we must cow-tow to terrorists.  It is with deep frustration that I listen to liberals and conservatives alike who "just want to get along."  I do not want to get along with anyone anymore.  I want us to stand up for what we believe in and cease all of this crap of trying to get along with terrorist nations and sending them birthday greetings for pete's sake.

We have elected people who know nothing of governing.  We have put into power a simpering fool who simply wants to bow down to the animals who want to destroy us in an effort to become communists or socialists or just plain stupid so we are easy to govern, or should I say herd.

My mother taught me that if you do not stand for anything you will fall for everything.  How many actually know what the Constitution of the United States of America actually says?  How many of you know any of the true history of our Founding Fathers?

How many of you know that they pledged everything they had including their lives and their fortunes to make this country possible and we toss it away because it is an inconvenience to rise up off the couch and know anything but what we are fed by talking heads.

The youth spoke in the last election saying that they did in deed want change.  The problem was they believed a politician who did not have anything but his own party agenda in mind.  They did not understand that the government CANNOT make jobs and any attempt to do so is futile.  Look at the French.  Learn a lesson from their fiasco.

There is no substitute for a proper education and it is ignorance that says there is.  A college degree does not necessarily mean that you are educated.  It simply provides a piece of paper that says you passed the requirements to get said piece of paper.  Maybe it says something about that four year commitment, but have you learned anything about how this country should work and what went into bringing about it's existence?

I dare say that too many of you are ashamed of this country and have been brainwashed into believing that the government has a right to redistribute the wealth and do away with any and all religious symbolism in the public square.  When they get rid of it in public, they will have nothing more to do than to work on getting rid of all religious expression in private.  Is that what you want?  Do you truly want the government dictating what you think?

Wake up and realize that this country was worth fighting for and is worth fighting for and the battle is coming ever closer to our borders.  The combatants are already here.  Are you prepared to walk out of your comfort zone and fight for what you believe in?   

Our military is.  Honor them and thank them for their commitment!  Don't be a fool and trash their funerals!   Don't make their job any more difficult than it is.

And for pity's sake read something other than the instructions for your game console.  While you are doing the Wii, someone is out there weeing all over our constitution.

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