Saturday, October 30, 2010

Let Us Dispense With Common Sense and Hire Our Buddies!

Hiring your buddies like hiring your family requires no common sense.  All you have to do is get them to fill out the paperwork and give them a paycheck; preferably one that requires no real skills to acquire.

Yes, I know. So what?  Move your toes.

How do you hire the normal, excuse me, a regular employee?  None of us is truly normal and that requires several more blogs.  Onward.

In order to hire someone in a business, first you must have what is commonly referred to as an "Opening" or a "Position."  That generally means that there is a specific task needing to be done and anyone else already employed either does not have the time or the expertise to do that task.

The problem that arises when hiring family is that most people who have the money to do the hiring have inflated views about what their relatives are capable of doing.  They would like to think that their brother-in-law can work in an office and handle financial matters when the facts are, their own finances are a mess (looking for a job - DUH!) and he has never worked in an office nor been in charge of anything.

Or maybe your husband just wants to get you off his back so he hires your brother for a job he is incapable of doing and he works for years at another job with his original title and salary and he has no clue as to why he is making so much money and people keep asking about tasks associated with his "position" and he is unaware of what he was hired to do.  Of course that promotes discontent among the people who are actually doing the job and getting paid nothing for the extra work they do.

Or...  Let's pretend a young, curvaceous woman gets hired for a non-specific job and gets paid a salary $25,000.00 more than the only woman who has been begging for a raise for 2 years.  He swears the old woman to secrecy and tells her not to discuss it with his wife.  The head macho man then tells the old woman to give her something to do.

Like what, she may ask?  My job?  She might ask that, but in all likelihood, she won't.  She will be silent and fume and give her "something" to do.  She will keep her mouth shut and hope curvy woman gains 50 pounds or gets acne or pregnant or anything that makes her lose her waist and become unattractive, even if she is a nice person whose clothes are just way to tight.

If you notice that everyone who has been hired for Upper Management went to the same school, lives in the same cloistered neighborhood or all have the same taste in men, your job may be in jeopardy.  After all, there are only so many "openings" and regardless of whether or not they can do the job, they will be taking yours and there will probably be 3 or 4 men that taking over your duties.  After all you grew with the job and that 20 years should count for something.  And, don't concern yourself with their welfare because each one will be paid more for each part they do and it will be more than you made for doing it all.

Buddies and "friends" or "neighbors" generally have an inflated view of themselves and their talents and are rarely looking for a change in their job or position in life if their current employer is happy with their performance.  They are looking for that welfare job where their frat brother will be betraying an oath of allegiance if they fire them.  Or if they betray them by demoting them, the neighborhood association will black ball them and force them to move.  Worse yet, they won't be invited to the neighborhood cook-outs/parties/barbeques.

If business owners used the same criteria to hire friends, neighbors and buddies that they do total strangers, there would be far fewer of them hired and they would not be making $150,000.00 a year.

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