Tuesday, November 9, 2010

According to a Reliable Source...

A simple question.

A college education is necessary because:
1. A college education nets you more money.
2. A Bachelors degree nets you more money than just college courses.
3. A Masters degree nets you more money than a Bachelors degree.
4. A Doctorate nets you more money than a Masters degree.
5. All of the above are true.
6. All of the above are false.

Okay, it is a trick question.  It is all true and it is all false.

Education nets you more money ONLY if you can find a job in that field.  Don't forget that the jobs that require no advanced education are often available while a teaching degree in Medieval History may not be needed until that position opens up due to the retirement or death of the lone professor teaching that subject.  A ditch digger using a shovel will probably be paid minimum wage whether he has a high school diploma or a PhD in philosophy. 

Groceries cost more today than they did a year ago and the cost will continue to rise.
True or False?

Of course it is true.  You do not have to be anal retentive and keep every receipt like I do to know that prices are escalating.  Your check does not go as far as it used to.  So, either you are buying more things that you don't need (a good possibility) or what you have been buying regularly is going up in cost or the manufacturers are giving you less contents in your cereal.  Sneaky.  It's only been in the news for 2 or 3 weeks.

A hamburger increases your brain power.
True or False?

No comment.  Take a gander at nation-wide test scores;  the number of misspelled words in your newspaper;  the number of misspelled words on commercials; or look at the idiotic things we just have to have.  Okay, I made a comment.  Too many hamburgers.

There is nothing new under the sun.
True or False?

When you look at all the new developments of today and we peek into the history that brought us here, I have to wonder if there is anything truly new out there.  There have been discoveries of ancient batteries and surgical tools. And, just look at all the runways we have seen from the air that lead nowhere we know of and were not built in our history. 

Since I believe that the earth was built by God to be a mature earth and that there was a world-wide flood, I am free to wonder if that civilization was not more advanced than we are now. 

Just to throw in another thought.  The dinosaurs became extinct because of the flood (Noah's flood, that is).  Well, that is just as good a theory as all those others that also have no basis in fact.  The evolutionists have their billions and billions of years and I just have the Word of God.  I believe that I have the reliable source.

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