Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Democracy or Republic

A pure democracy is simply put mob rule.  Whatever the majority wants to do is what gets done.  Until another vote is taken and they run in the opposite direction.  There can often be no rhyme nor reason for the changes.  The only thing that matters is the will of the mob.

A Republic, which is what the United States is supposed to be, is a group of officials elected by the people who run the government.  The only time the will of the people matters is when it is time to vote the statesman in.  Ours is, according to James Madison our republic is a "representative democracy" as opposed to a "direct democracy" (Federalist Paper Number 10).

When it was founded, it was decided that a simple majority was not a proper way to run a country.  Rules governing elected officials were simple and important.  The division of government into 3 parts that were separated to decrease the possibility of a monarch or dictatorship or even the rule of a select few would be close to impossible.

A simple majority rule was also not allowed.  This was done in order to govern and not allow the possibility of a select few people dictate what was to be done. At the time of the inception of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the country was mainly agricultural with segments of the populace being in the cities.  Often it was the rich, the aristocrats, that were in the cities.  It was decided that the Representatives would be based upon the population of the individual states and the states would be allowed 2 senators.  This would give a good overall representation of the will of the people in general without becoming overwhelmed by certain groups.  They would govern the country not inflict the will of the few upon the country as is done now.

It is a pity that Government, United States Government in particular, is not of more interest and is not promoted well throughout the American public school system. 

It is no wonder that many of today's youth is discouraged with the way the "system" now works.  For one thing, it was never meant to be the welfare state that it has become.  Our government was to provide for the common defense, not care for the citizens from cradle to grave.

As the citizens found out they could "vote" themselves "stuff" it put the country farther and farther in debt and has continued to keep Senators and Representatives in power simply to keep us in the way that we were becoming accustomed.  Prior to Social Security people saved for their old age.  As Social Security became more popular and it was extended to others, fewer people saved for their old age.  Even the beginning of Social Security was not to provide anything more than subsistence living. 

Before the government took over caring for the aged, they were cared for at home, by those in the Church and by both indigent old age homes and paid facilities.  No, that system did not care for everyone just as today's government run system does not cover everyone's needs.  Gradually the government has taken over responsibilities that the Churches and individuals had done.  It is understandable that people think the government is supposed to provide for everyone.  While it may be understandable, it is a travesty that politicians have done everything in their power to perpetuate.

Now, the people, through the pressures of advertising with too much knowledge and too little wisdom, have decided that the government owes them more.  The Government now owes us jobs and products and education and conveniences and protection from big business and protection from bankruptcy and protection from credit card companies and protection from foreclosure and protection from products and protection from diseases and protection from ourselves and on and on ad infinitum.

Where do WE think this horrendous government is going to get the money?  It is going to raise taxes!  DUH!  It will take anything up to 100% and give back a fraction in services and protection.  We will neither be well kept nor protected for we have become a greedy self-centered mob.

While this country started as a Republic or representative democracy, we are becoming a whining mob that wants more and more to be equal.  We were already equal.  We are all bound for death once in our lives.  You cannot get more equality than that.  We have a convoluted idea that sameness equals equality but it does not.

This is how we are equal.  I take no offense that it says all men.  I understand the meaning and accept that it means women as well.  This is just a portion of it.

The Unanimous Declaration
of the Thirteen United States of America 

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

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