Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't Let the Slime Dwellers Get You Down!

It really is interesting to note that when your enemies think they have beaten you, they are at their most vulnerable.

Ever see that fateful scene in the movie or cop show where the bad guy has beaten, shot and stabbed the good guy?  It usually goes something like this.  Bad guy almost gets beat.  Bad guy pulls knife/gun out of hiding.  Bad guy stabs/shoots good guy.  Bad guy sees what he thinks is lifeless or soon to be lifeless form of good guy and turns to walk away triumphant.

Surprise!!  Good guy is not dead only momentarily winded/knocked out and those fateful words are heard from the good guy.  "You forgot something!" as the good guy shoots/stabs the bad guy with truly deadly aim with the gun/knife left behind by the bad guy.

Don't you just love those scenes?  Me, too!

The thing about it is this.  I was beaten, stabbed and shot (figuratively speaking, of course) but I am not dead.  My mouth works and so do my fingers.  For years (almost 40) I kept my mouth shut about things that have transpired both in my personal life and my professional life.

I kept my mouth shut in my personal life because of fear.  Mostly fear of not being believed.  As much as people say, "If that ever happens to my child, I'd kill/beat the ..."  You get what I mean.  As much as they say that, I have yet to meet any of my family members that actually would stand up for their child.  For some reason, they simply do not want to believe that they are wrong and not a very good judge of character.

I kept my mouth shut in my professional life due to indifference.  What they did with their money was of no interest to me.  My signature was not on the checks and the reports and forms were filled out with their blessing and their names were on the tax returns, not mine.  I really, truly did not care.  I just did the very best job that I could and tried my best to make sure that I was not doing anything illegal or unethical.

So what changed?

Most of my family is dead.  They would probably think it was all fiction anyway.  "She was a child.  She really didn't understand what was happening.  It didn't happen."  And on and on, ad infinitum.

As far as professionally, well, one day a snake came in and wrapped itself around the business and started trying to suck me in.  It couldn't do that so it brought in another slime dweller that crapped all over me.  Then it became my business.  I could no longer stand by and do nothing.  It had already beaten down and gotten rid of some of my friends and co-workers and it appeared that if you did not want to bend over, kneel down, bear your back to the whip, be young and curvy and do as you were told, you were going to be gone.

The ridicule of the handicapped was simply abominable.  While on the surface, they appeared to care it was nothing more than a show.  That love for the employees was based on nothing more than how it would look to the community and their buddies.  That family spirit is a fraud, a facade made of nothing more than balsa wood and school glue.  I might be wrong about the family spirit. It might be exactly what family is all about in these modern times.  You take the old people out.  Throw them away with the garbage when they no longer suit your purpose or get too foul to even look at.  Take the young people and don't train them properly and when they do an unsatisfactory job and you no longer like them, toss them out as well. 

People can do what they want to but when it comes down to the wire, when the rubber meets the road, when all is said and done, what have they really done?  If they are the Christians they profess to be, how can they cheat on their wives, cheat their customers, cheat their employees, cheat the IRS, cheat the State and look in the mirror and tell themselves that they have accomplished something for the Lord?  Giving big donations to churches is of no value if your own family is in the pit.  Where's your testimony?

Maybe I am missing something.  How can a Christian married woman spend hours behind closed doors with a married man and possibly think that she has done nothing wrong in the sight of God?  How does her husband reconcile sending suggestive emails to his female employees and having indiscretions?  How do they think they can get away with these things when others have seen it?

How do they live with themselves?  They live with themselves just fine.  You see, they are above the law!  You didn't know that?  They have the money and the power and they can do what they damn well please!  And no one is going to care.  No one is going to tilt at those windmills. 

Well, sometimes someone will when they have had just enough.  When they are beaten and bloodied and left for dead, sometimes they may just have one good shot left in them.  Don't be too hasty to turn and leave thinking you have won.  The battle isn't over.  The victim isn't brain dead.

That one you left for dead just may be a certifiable lunatic with a lot of good years and bunches of time on his/her hands.  Fancy that.

So, all you corporate bullies, school bullies and butt heads out there, be careful.  Someone out there may just take you on.   They may not even care if they win or lose.  It just might be the battle that is fun.

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