Sunday, October 10, 2010

Forgiveness vs Filing Charges

Scripture says that you should not judge lest you be judged by the same standard you use to judge.  Scripture says that you should forgive your enemies.  Scripture says that vengeance belongs to the LORD.  He will repay.

I know all that but it is very difficult to follow it when every fiber in my being just wants to get even.   I want to broadcast everything that I know and let the chips fall where they may.  I would like to work as hard to destroy the companies that tried to destroy me.  I want to make them pay.  I want to make them squirm.  I want to see them sweat.

They have tried exceptionally hard to destroy the lives of people who have given them 15, 20, 30 years of their lives thinking they would work there until they retired.  They gave everything they had to those companies and what did they get in return?  They got the boot, the pink slip, the axe; they got terminated, fired and laid off while younger, less experienced workers were hired to take their place.

They think they can do this with impunity because this state has as at will employment.  This means that either the employee or the employer may terminate the employment at any time for no reason at all except in cases where it violates State or Federal law.  It really is not that hard to prove that the employer has violated a Federal law and if anyone feels that this has been done, the best thing you can do is talk to the EEOC.  You do not need a lawyer and you do not have to have any concrete evidence but you do have to have an incident to point to that causes you to think that there may have been discrimination of some sort.

What you do need to do is file that charge as quickly as possible because there is a time limit.

As a Christian you will do much soul searching before embarking on this course especially if the company claims to be a Christian oriented company.

One thing that can cause them problems is forcing people to engage in Bible Studies during or outside of the working hours.  While that is a noble cause, it is antithetical to what it means to lead someone to Christ.  You can bring someone to hear the Gospel, you can even tell them the Gospel, but you cannot force them to listen or force them to come.  That defeats the purpose and besides it is illegal.

I began this with references to forgiveness.  I do not seem to have it within me to forgive an entity or the people behind it who act less like Christians than most heathens I know.  I know it is better to forgive, but right now I just cannot wrap my head around that concept.

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